MC51 - Komatsu
The MC51 is an agile and compact hard rock continuous miner. At only 12.5 m (41 ft.) long, this workhorse can turn on its center axis within approximately 6 m for easy and fast deployment. It also uses Komatsu DynaCut technology that cuts using a dynamic undercutting method for consistent rock size and efficient material handling.
Hard rock continuous miners | Komatsu
The MC51 is an agile and compact hard rock continuous cutter. At only 12.5 m (41 ft.) long, this workhorse can turn on its center axis within approximately 6 m for easy and fast deployment. It also uses Komatsu DynaCut technology that cuts using a dynamic undercutting method for consistent rock size and efficient material handling.
VIDEO: How Komatsu's MC51 Could Transform the Underground …
2021年10月5日 · Komatsu is calling the MC51—a machine more than 10 years in the making—a continuous mining machine, and it’s been designed to completely disrupt the traditional hard rock underground mining...
单片机芯片之——图解74HC595(第一部分) - CSDN博客
2022年11月25日 · 12脚:RCK,存储寄存器时钟输入引脚。上升沿时,数据从移位寄存器转存带存储寄存器。 11脚:SCK,移位寄存器时钟引脚,上升沿时,移位寄存器中的bit 数据整体后移,并接受新的bit(从SER输入)。
Komatsu’s MC51 ready to rock at Garson - Canadian Mining …
2021年11月5日 · The MC51 has a cutter on a single, 5-axis robotic boom that can profile any shape within a 5 metre by 5 metre profile – the most common size of development tunnel. It is highly precise and accurate (it can cut to within 50 mm of plan), resulting in high tunnel quality and the reduction of over break.
WMC 2023 Proceedings Full-Version (3240-3250)
The document describes Komatsu's development of a continuous electrified mining system called the MC51, which uses their DynaCut technology to enable mechanical excavation of hard rock tunnels as an alternative to drill and blast mining.
International Mining: Beyond cutting - Komatsu
2022年11月22日 · Close to 12 months after getting ‘into rock’ at Vale’s Garson mine in Sudbury, Canada, Komatsu’s MC51 machine is in the process of being optimized for further work breaking rock in the Canadian Shield.
(三)R-C-K Model(最优经济增长模型) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在rck模型中有三个市场,分别是金融资产市场,劳动市场,产品市场。 当市场均衡时,这三个市场都要出清,即供需平衡: E(t)=K(t),金融资产市场 ;
DynaCut™ - Mining3
DynaCut combines an undercutting approach (exploiting tensile and shear failure mechanisms) with a high-frequency dynamic motion. The method requires much lower forces than those associated with conventional roller disc cutting, and can effectively cut rock well beyond the strength limits of pick-based tools.
Komatsu’s new MC51 hard rock mining machine will be ready to …
2021年2月5日 · Each machine, which can be operated by one person, allows for continuous rock excavation, and is equipped with a conveyor belt through its centre that carries the broken rock pieces to a scoop behind it. The scoop, controlled by a second operator, is tasked with taking away the rock pieces.