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Homepage - Grupo MCA
Descubra o Grupo MCA, fundado em 1998. Uma plataforma internacional de negócios focada nas áreas das Energias, Desenvolvimento Urbano, Infraestruturas e Saúde.
Homepage - MCA Group
Discover the MCA Group, founded in 1998. An international business platform focused on the areas of Energy, Urban Development, Infrastructures and Health.
About MCA - mca-groupe.com
As an international engineering and high-tech company, MCA empowers talents and partners with major companies to realise cutting-edge projects. With over 30 years of experience and a …
About Us - MCA Group
The MCA Group is a multinational company with a presence in Portugal, Spain, Germany, Poland and Angola, spanning across three geographical clusters. Our activities are centred around the Energies, Urban Development, Infrastructure, and Health sectors.
MCA GROUP | Ingenieur- & High-Tech-Beratung
Als europäischer Akteur im Bereich Ingenieur- und High-Tech-Beratung ist die MCA GROUP in 8 Ländern mit über 20 Büros vertreten, um eine optimale Nähe zu gewährleisten. Dank der Expertise unserer Berater bieten wir maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die sich an Markttrends orientieren und den Erfolg Ihrer Projekte sichern. Engineer It your way.
MCA - LinkedIn
MCA est un groupe international d’ingénierie et de haute technologie qui révèle les talents et accompagne les leaders de l’industrie dans la réalisation de projets à la pointe de l'innovation.
Working at MCA Groupe | Glassdoor
Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at MCA Groupe, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. This is the MCA Groupe company profile. All content is …
Travailler chez MCA Groupe : avis récents sur MCA Groupe - Indeed
Avis de salariés chez MCA Groupe à propos de la culture d'entreprise, des salaires, des avantages, de l'équilibre vie professionnelle/vie personnelle, de l'encadrement, de la sécurité de l'emploi etc.
Strategy - MCA Group
MCA drives the energy transition through turnkey renewable energy, storage and electrification solutions, including in developing countries. Additionally, the Group is engaged in building a distinct portfolio of energy transition assets, namely in the areas of renewable energies and circular economy.