Molecular and Cell Biology (MCB) | University of Connecticut …
Computational biology approaches including genome assembly, phylogenetic analysis and database searching to characterize gene content and evolutionary relationships. Focus on research methods and approaches, data interpretation, written and oral communication of scientific findings.
Computational biology approaches including genome assembly, phylogenetic analysis and database searching to characterize gene content and evolutionary relationships. Focus on research methods and approaches, data interpretation, written and oral communication of scientific findings.
MCB Course Outline.pdf - MCB*2050 Molecular Biology of the...
2019年3月13日 · Describe a gene and explain the key molecular mechanisms of eukaryotic gene regulation and expression at various levels from DNA to chromosomes and final products. 1. Apply genetic and molecular principles to analyzing and interpreting experimental data. 2.
Course Descriptions - Harvard University - Department of Molecular ...
Topics include DNA repair, protein folding, and cancer, with an emphasis on the experimental evidence for key concepts. Includes weekly lab-based research and discussions of the primary literature. These courses cover the structure of macromolecules and a biochemical approach to cellular function.
Discussions will focus on aspects of gene regulation, genomics, cell cycle control, protein synthesis, intracellular protein trafficking and protein degradation in eukaryotic cells. Many of these concepts will be discussed in the context of how defects in …
Course Outline.pdf - MCB*2050 Molecular Biology of the Cell...
2018年12月12日 · MCB*2050 Molecular Biology of the Cell Winter 2018 Sections(s): C01 College of Biological Science Credit Weight: 0.50 Version 1.00 - January 02, 2018 1 Course Details 1.1 Calendar Description This course will develop an understanding of the key concepts of the molecular biology of the cell, integrating principles of cell structure and function ...
MCB 101 Lecture Note | PDF | Growth Medium | Microbiology
MCB 101 Lecture Note - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document provides an outline for an introductory microbiology course. It includes a brief introduction to microbiology and an overview of the history and major milestones in the field, highlighting important scientists and their ...
mco-program-outline-2024-tablet - Harvard University
Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) MCB Secondary Field; Chemical and Physical Biology (CPB) Neuroscience; Resources. Directory; Associated Research Centers and Departments; Library; Research Facilities; ... mco-program-outline-2024-tablet. Anonymous Feedback; MCB Community Task Force; MCB Slack; Contact; MCB Seminar Mailing List; Reagent ...
Undergraduate courses | Molecular and Cell Biology - Faculty of …
Course outline: This course addresses how modern techniques of structural and chemical biology are being used to solve biological problems. It draws on multiple aspects of macromolecular biochemistry including nucleic acid structure and interactions, signalling proteins and membrane proteins, and demonstrates how this knowledge can be used in ...
MCB 121 Lecture 6 - MCB 121 - Lecture 6 Outline: - cDNA.
View Notes - MCB 121 Lecture 6 from MCB 121 at University of California, Davis. MCB 121 - Lecture 6 Outline: - cDNA libraries - PCR - Infounatics -mRNA - largely includes the protein encoding AI Homework Help