triage tags - Disaster Management Systems, Inc
Our nationally adopted process for MCI management (EMT3 System) helps ensure proper patient Triage, Treatment, and Transport during an MCI. We offer a wide range of disaster preparedness solutions, from our All Risk® START and SALT triage tags to our Evac123 patient evacuation system and tabletop training kits.
Triage Tags - Bound Tree
Shop our wide selection of Triage Tags at Bound Tree.
Medical Triage (Color Tags, START) Terminology by ... - MedicineNet
Learn medical triage terminology including color code tags and START (Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment).
START Triage
Assess mental status by determining whether the patient can follow simple commands. A patient that cannot follow simple commands may have an altered mental status as a result of a head injury or other condition. See a visual diagram of the START Triage algorithm. Benson, M., Koenig, K. L., & Schultz, C. H. (1996).
All Risk® Triage Tags, Non-Wristband
All Risk® Triage Tags by Disaster Management Systems | The standard in MCI Triage. Our triage tags are waterproof, blood proof and tear proof. Order yours today.
(START) is a triage method used by first responders to quickly classify victims during a mass casualty incident (MCI) based on the severity of their injury. The “START” System of Triage
EMT3® Go-Kit - triage tags
The EMT3® Go-Kit provides the incident commander rapid access to the critical position forms and job action sheets critical for effective MCI mitigation. Fully scalable for any size incident, EMT3® Go-Kit will ensure each resource has the tools needed to be effective at their position.
SMART Triage™ - Kingfisher Medical
Unique barcoded on the SMART Tag will integrate with many different digital tracking solutions and electronic PCR’s. Holding the key triage equipment, SMART Traige™ Pack assists front line responders to initiate a systematic response, allowing for …
MCI Triage
Adult mass casualty triage algorithm. Pediatric mass casualty triage algorithm. Sort, Assess, Lifesaving Interventions, Treatment/Transport. Sources for all mass casualty triage algorithms.
MT-137 METTAG Emergency Triage Tag - Dixie EMS
The Original METTAG MT-137 provides first responders and rescue personnel with the standard triaging features needed to enable them to perform a prompt and accurate assessment of a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) victim’s injuries and to easily record the data.