McKGame - Practice before assessing your skills
Can you land a rocket without practice? Over 70% of the candidates who play the game assessment for the first time don't pass it. We have built a game that assess the same skills and in the same way as a consulting firm does. And with us, you are not limited to playing once a year. How to take the most out of this game?
Muck on Steam
Trapped in the muck on an island, alone or with your friends, try to survive as long as possible by using the resources you find around the island. Collect resources, craft tools, weapons, & armor, find items & build your base during day. But once night …
Devlog - FamilyVacation by MCK-Games - Itch.io
March 19, 2024 by MCK-Games #DEMO, #NSFW 🎮 Exciting News! 🎮 Get ready for an exclusive sneak peek into the captivating world of "Family Vacation" with the release of our Windows and Mac demo! Embark on an unforgettable adventure filled...
McKinsey Solve Game: Newest Updates, Guide & Free Trial 2024
As of June 2023, 6 mini-games are confirmed for the McKinsey Solve Test: Ecosystem Building, Redrock Study, Plant Defense, Disaster Management, Disease Management, Migration Management. The 2 main mini-games that nearly all candidates will encounter are the Ecosystem Building Game and the Redrock Study Task.
Special Edition Chapter 10 Update - FamilyVacation by MCK-Games
One of the highlights of this update is a complete rewrite of the Franzi Tyras scene. This revision provides players with greater flexibility, allowing for more nuanced choices that better reflect your personal play style. The new version adds more depth …
Chapter 9 Update - FamilyVacation by MCK-Games
As autumn begins, I've been working on Chapter 10 as well as an update for Chapter 9. I have a significant update for Chapter 9, which I recommend to everyone who plays both the normal and special editions. When I released Chapter 9, I forgot to add an error handler for the Special Version save games, which might be opened in a normal edition.
MCK GAMES - Facebook
MCK GAMES, Manaus. 10,246 likes · 15 talking about this. Seja bem vindo! Aqui o entrentenimento é garantido, Lives de Games Váriados. ;D
Solve, McKinsey’s assessment game | McKinsey & Company
One of the exciting steps in our consultant recruitment process is Solve, a gamified assessment created to showcase your problem-solving abilities. There's no need to prepare—approach it with curiosity and creativity.
McKinsey Problem Solving Games: Free Guides for all 3 games!
2023年10月20日 · McKinsey Problem Solving Games (PSG) Ecosystem Red Rock Plant Defence Expect 2 out of 3 games. FREE ACCESS HERE…
Post by MCK-Games in FamilyVacation comments - itch.io
I'm happy that you're interested in my game. The newest version is downloadable for 4 Euro. I provided a link for chapters 05 and 06 for 3 Euro. If you can't see them, please send me an email to [email protected]. Regards MCK. Thank you, yes it works, but I already have chapters 05 and 06, It was a misunderstanding, but I understand now.