MCM5 Gene - GeneCards | MCM5 Protein | MCM5 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · MCM5 (Minichromosome Maintenance Complex Component 5) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with MCM5 include Meier-Gorlin Syndrome 8 and Bone Disease. Among its related pathways are Activation of the pre-replicative complex and Regulation of activated PAK-2p34 by proteasome mediated degradation.
MCM5 - Wikipedia
DNA replication licensing factor MCM5 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the MCM5 gene. [5][6][7] The protein encoded by this gene is structurally very similar to the CDC46 protein from S. cerevisiae, a protein involved in the initiation of DNA replication.
MCM5: a new actor in the link between DNA replication and
2017年2月15日 · We report a patient with a clinical diagnosis of MGORS in whom we detected, by whole-exome sequencing, biallelic variants in MCM5 (minichromosome maintenance complex component 5 [MIM 602696]), a...
Mcm5 mutation leads to silencing of Stat1-bcl2 which ... - Nature
2025年2月10日 · Here we show that zebrafish mcm5 mutation leads to DNA damage in immature T lymphocytes and the immature T cells sensitively undergo rapid cell death. Detailed analyses demonstrated that the...
MCM基因家族 - 知乎
2022年4月19日 · MCM名称来源为minichromosome mantenance,即微小染色体维持基因。 [1] MCM基因家族的六个基因能表达并形成一种六聚体蛋白,其中MCM4/6/7是 MCM复合体 的核心,MCM2/4/6/7含锌指区具有 解链酶活性,属于DNA复制有关的解链酶。 MCM4/6/7结合cdc45后激活其解链酶活性,继而促进DNA 聚合酶(polα)、PRA(replication protein A)、Dpbll 蛋白与复制起点结合,而启动DNA 复制的起始。 在DNA复制中,MCM与复制子集合,是DNA复制启 …
Structure of the eukaryotic MCM complex at 3.8 Å | Nature
2015年7月29日 · Here, using cryo-electron microscopy, we report a near-atomic structure of the MCM2–7 double hexamer purified from yeast G1 chromatin. Our structure shows that two single hexamers, arranged in a...
MCM5 minichromosome maintenance complex component 5 …
2025年3月4日 · Title: Diagnostic performance of minichromosome maintenance 5 (MCM5) in bladder cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. The High Expression of Minichromosome Maintenance Complex Component 5 Is an Adverse Prognostic Factor in Lung Adenocarcinoma.
微型染色体维护复杂组件 5(MCM5)基因 | MCE
该基因编码的蛋白质在结构上与酿酒酵母中的 CDC46 蛋白质非常相似,后者是一种参与 DNA 复制起始的蛋白质。 编码的蛋白质是染色质结合蛋白 MCM 家族的成员,并且可以与该家族的至少两个其他成员相互作用。 所编码的蛋白在细胞周期从 G0 期到 G1/S 期的转变中上调,可能积极参与细胞周期调控。 [RefSeq 提供,2008 年 7 月] The protein encoded by this gene is structurally very similar to the CDC46 protein from S. cerevisiae, a protein involved in the initiation of DNA …
MCM5 is a Novel Therapeutic Target for Glioblastoma
2024年3月18日 · Our results indicate that increased levels of Mini chromosome Maintenance Protein 5 (MCM5) are correlated with chemotherapy resistance in patients with GBM.
MCM5: a new actor in the link between DNA replication and
We performed whole-exome sequencing (WES) in a patient with a clinical diagnosis of MGORS and identified biallelic variants in MCM5. This gene encodes a subunit of the replicative helicase complex, which represents a component of the pre-RC.