MCP CENTRAL - metrocityplaza.com
MCP CENTRAL. Boasting a new, diversified tenant base, MCP CENTRAL (Phase II) introduces many distinctive, high-quality, brand-name clothing stores, makeup brands, and popular restaurants to the area.
mcp central(新都城中心二期)匯聚國際美食、連鎖快餐以及美食廣場,奉上包羅萬有、令人垂涎三尺的精彩美食,為不同場合及聚會提供稱心寫意的用饍選擇。
MCP 新都城中心 | Big Experience Begins
全面革新後,現分別取名為mcp one (新都城中心一期)、mcp central (新都城中心二期) 及mcp discovery (新都城中心三期),為顧客帶來嶄新購物體驗。
新都城中心二期 - metrocityplaza.com
MCP CENTRAL(新都城中心二期)引進不少各具特色的優質名牌服飾、化妝品牌及人氣食肆,商戶組合多樣化,商場更不時舉辦節慶及推廣活動,為不同年齡層顧客締造出綜合式消閒購物娛樂熱點中心。
MCP 新都城中心 | Big Experience Begins
Metro City Plaza presents a range of high-street fashion brands and popular restaurants, covering over 1.5 million sq. ft. and home to over 400 shops, which has been rebranded as MCP One (Phase 1), MCP Central (Phase 2) and MCP Discovery (Phase 3) and altogether comprise the largest shopping complex in East Kowloon.
全新面貌的 mcp central(新都城中心二期)商户组合多样化,引进不少各具特色的优质名牌服饰、化妆品牌及人气食肆,商场更不时举办节庆及推广活动,为不同年龄层顾客缔造出综合式消闲购物娱乐热点中心。
mcp discovery(新都城中心三期)為您帶來熟悉而親切的各國美食和知名食肆,讓您盡情享受傳統美食風味。 商場更設有人氣甜品店,令您的每個聚會都能以窩心小食劃上完美句號。
MCP CENTRAL - metrocityplaza.com
Boasting a new, diversified tenant base, MCP CENTRAL (Phase II) introduces many distinctive, high-quality, brand-name clothing stores, makeup brands, and popular restaurants to the area.
MCP DISCOVERY - metrocityplaza.com
At MCP DISCOVERY (Phase III), customers will find a vibrant, exciting market fair filled with an extraordinary variety of products and services. This new mall is where customers can come to discover new trends and ideas for an entirely immersive and unique shopping experience!
MCP 新都城中心 | Big Experience Begins
全面革新后,现分别取名为mcp one (新都城中心一期)、mcp central (新都城中心二期) 及mcp discovery (新都城中心三期),为顾客带来崭新购物体验。