Thumb Collateral Ligament Injury - Hand - Orthobullets
2024年1月12日 · Thumb Collateral Ligament Injuries, most commonly ulnar collateral (UCL), are athletic injuries that lead to a decrease in effective thumb pinch and grasp. Diagnosis relies upon thumb MCP radial-ulnar stress exam and MRI studies.
Collateral Ligament Injuries of the Fingers | Radsource
STIR (14A) and proton density-weighted coronal (14B) images reveal thickening of the proximal RCL (arrows) at the long finger MCP joint with metacarpal marrow edema on the STIR image and increased signal within the ligament on the proton density-weighted view.
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Tears of the Thumb | Radsource
The ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) and radial collateral ligament (RCL) are the primary static stabilizers of the MCP with additional stability provided by articular surface congruity, the dorsal capsule, and the volar plate.
Collateral ligaments of metacarpophalangeal joints - Wikipedia
In human anatomy, the radial (RCL) and ulnar (UCL) collateral ligaments of the metacarpophalangeal joints (MCP) of the hand are the primary stabilisers of the MCP joints. [1] A collateral ligament flanks each MCP joint - one on either side. Each attaches proximally at the head of the metacarpal bone, and distally at the base of the phalynx.
Collateral ligament injuries of the metacarpophalangeal joint of …
By enlarge, injury to the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) is more common than the radial collateral ligament (RCL) accounting for 60–90% of ligamentous collateral injury cases at the MCP joint of the thumb [1]. This review will outline the relevant clinical anatomy, mechanisms of injury, and treatment options available.
MCP (MetaCarpophalangeal) Collateral Ligament Sprain
2023年10月5日 · Test the ligaments by applying radial stress (UCL) or ulnar stress (RCL) to the MCP joint in full extension and in 30 degrees of flexion. A collateral ligament injury should be suspected if during stress testing a firm endpoint is lacking.
Radial Collateral Ligament Injury of the Index …
2006年10月1日 · A stable pinch mechanism is predicated on the integrity of the radial collateral ligament (RCL) of the index finger metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint and the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) of the thumb MCP joint.
Radial Collateral Ligament Injuries of the Thumb - ScienceDirect
2008年5月1日 · Radial collateral ligament injuries occur as a result of a forced adduction moment on the MCP joint of the thumb, which may occur from a fall on the radial aspect of the thumb and hand or during sports when a ball or player strikes the thumb. The site of the tear of the RCL is more variable than is the site of UCL tears.
Thumb Ligament Injuries - Physiopedia
The Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint of the thumb are stabilize by two major ligaments. The ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) and the Radial collateral ligament (RCL) . The UCL is more commonly injured, usually from forced radial deviation (abduction) of the thumb, while the RCL are rarely injuried.
Thumb Metacarpophalangeal Joint Collateral Ligament Injury …
2012年8月1日 · Imaging for both radial and UCL tears of the thumb MCP joint should begin with posteroanterior and lateral radiographs of the thumb. Radiographic radial deviation or palmar subluxation are obvious signs of instability.