Is an MD a 'doctorate' degree? - College Confidential Forums
2008年12月1日 · How the term MD is applied varies among countries — it is a first professional degree in some countries (e.g., USA, Canada), while in others it is a higher doctoral academic …
Questions about Dual MD/PhD, MD/MA programs-not MSTP
2023年12月30日 · Hoping some of you one here might have experience with this. S19 is applying to MD/PhD and MD/MA programs this spring (not MSTP NIH funded programs) These are …
MD/PhD program easier to get into? - College Confidential Forums
2007年7月1日 · <p>haha, MD/Ph.D’s are ten times harder to get into…girl from my lab applied to MD/PhD but only got into the MD program of a certain school. She said the admissions reps …
Applying to both MD/PhD and PhD - College Confidential Forums
2011年7月16日 · But, it’s far far rarer to see people applying MD/PhD vs. PhD at the same time, probably because I suspect the GPA required for PhD programs is a lot lower than the GPA …
Chance for BS/BA MD/PhD Program? - College Confidential Forums
2012年7月21日 · <p>Hello guys, I’m very extremely interested in the field of medicine. I’m a rising senior and I am certainly looking into some BS/MD/PhD programs. I’d love working in the …
MD vs PhD - Pre-Med Topics - College Confidential Forums
2008年7月9日 · The truth is, on average, a PhD in neurology makes $102k and an MD in neurology makes $167k. The third option is to get your PhD/MD and the average salary here …
Applying to medical school following PhD - Pre-Med & Medical …
2023年4月25日 · Hello. I’m beginning a Biochemistry PhD this Fall with the knowledge that I will apply to medical school during the tail end of the program. I’ve applied twice before and was …
Will a 3.7 GPA ruin my chances at med school? Please help, …
2019年5月29日 · for a MD/PhD hopeful, a gap year could be harmful if you are away from the research environment. (Your knowledge & skills get stale.) But unless you have everything …
Schools reducing grad admissions, rescinding some acceptances …
2025年2月22日 · We’re surrounded by people impacted. My daughter’s roommate works for NIH. We know tons in or applying to PhD programs. It’s everywhere. PhD offers are being …
Getting straight through to med school - how likely?
2022年9月10日 · It’s become increasingly uncommon for MD/PhD students to matriculate directly from undergrad. Those that do matriculate directly are usually superstars who typically have …