MD1 | Samson
The MD1 features Samson's STL transformer, which provides an extended, flat frequency response with ultra-low distortion. The MD1's balanced output provides a clean signal that is less susceptible to noise than an unbalanced line, allowing for longer cable runs.
MD1 Pro | Samson
The MD1 Pro Mono Passive Direct Box combines premium sound circuitry with durable, road-ready construction to provide a high-quality solution for line, instrument, and speaker-level signals.
Samson SAMDA1 Active Mono Direct Box - amazon.com
2016年3月9日 · Samson's MDA1 Mono Active Direct Box combines premium sound circuitry with durable, roadworthy construction, providing high-quality signal connection solutions for live sound and recording studio applications. The MDA1 operates on either batteries or phantom power and allows clean, balanced lines to be sent from your guitars and basses.
新浦电声 DI 设备合集(第六弹)Samson - midifan:我们关注电脑 …
2018年9月1日 · Samson的MDA1 Mono Active Direct Box为现场声音和录音室应用提供高质量的信号连接解决方 案。 MDA1可以使用9V电池或48V幻象电源工作,并且可以从吉他和贝司发送干净平衡的信号。 https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=531172731546&spm=2014.21600712.0.0. 环球音频论坛: http://www.globalmidi.com/
Samson S-Max MD1 Professional Passive Mono Direct DI …
The Samson MD1 Pro Mono Passive Direct Box combines premium sound circuitry with durable, roadworthy construction, providing high-quality solutions for line, instrument and speaker level signals. The MD1 Pro allows balanced lines to be sent from your instrument long distances without inducing noise.
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SAMSON MD1 MD2 PRO贝斯键盘单块MCD2 MDA1吉他效果器演出DI …
samson md1 md2 pro贝斯键盘单块mcd2 mda1吉他效果器演出di盒 mcd2 pro(被动式立体声)图片、价格、品牌样样齐全! 【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!
Samson(山逊)md1 周边系统 DI盒-广州格镭仕电子科技有限公 …
Samson山逊S.Max MD1是一款专业的被动式单声道D.I盒,专为需要高品质音频信号转换的场合设计。 其卓越的性能和坚固的结构使其成为音频工程师和现场表演者的理想选择。
Samson MD1 Pro User Manual PDF | Manualsnet
The Samson MD1 Pro Professional Mono Passive Direct Box offers a variety of DI solutions for live sound and recording applications. You can connect all kinds of audio signals like those from keyboards, drum machines, mixers, guitars, outboard signal processors and even from the powered speaker output from an amplifier.
SAMSON MD1 DI Box - Kytary.pl
Samson MD1 to pasywny DI Box z neutralną charakterystyką częstotliwościową i przełączanym uziemieniem. Jest on umieszczony w wytrzymałej metalowej obudowie. Dzięki wyjściu Thru, sygnał można podłączyć do wzmacniacza lub monitora. Stąd wysyła się większość instrumentów zamówionych z dostawą na adres klienta.