Association médicale et humanitaire - Médecins du Monde
Depuis 1980, Médecins du Monde intervient de manière indépendante en France et à l'international pour garantir un accès universel et durable aux soins.
Médecins du Monde
Since 1980, Médecins du Monde has worked independently in France and around the world to guarantee universal and sustainable access to healthcare. Médecins du Monde (MdM) has played a pivotal role in transforming Azal Medical Compound since 2019, a facility that once faced overwhelming challenges and limited support.
Action and humanitarian aid France - Médecins du Monde
MÉDECINS DU MONDE, WORKING IN FRANCE SINCE 1986 GUARANTEEING UNCONDITIONAL ACCESS TO CARE. The first humanitarian mission in France. Teams from Médecins du Monde (MdM) have been working in France since 1986, when we opened a centre to provide free healthcare to those in greatest need in Paris.
Médecins du Monde - Wikipedia
Médecins du monde (MdM; French pronunciation: [medsɛ̃ dy mɔ̃d]), or Doctors of the World, is an international humanitarian organization which seeks to provide emergency and long-term medical care to the world's most vulnerable people.
France - Doctors of the World
In France, Médecins du Monde operates a wide range of health programs across the country. Our activities focus on operating health centers, providing access to care to vulnerable communities such as refugees, drug users and sex workers, working with homeless people, and increasing healthcare availability in rural regions.
MdM Network - Doctors of the World
We are committed to providing care, bearing witness and fostering social change. Our head office in Paris, France coordinates activities and communications between MdM member organizations. We treat thousands of people everyday. With your support we can treat thousands more.
Médecins du Monde (MDM) - France | Corporate NGO …
MDM in France focuses on health care, risk reduction, children in hospitals and child adoption programmes. Globally, MDM France provides emergency relief including medical and surgical assistance, water and vaccination campaigns, HIV / AIDS treatment, sanitation and assists in global medical crises.
Vos dons font nos actions
Médecins du Monde est une association humanitaire reconnue d’intérêt public créée en 1980. Depuis notre lancement, nous nous sommes fixés un triple objectif : aller dans les zones où le droit à la santé n'est pas respecté, témoigner de l’intolérance et s'investir bénévolement.
Medecins Du Monde - France (MDM-F) - Devex
Working in France and 64 countries worldwide, Doctors of the World - Médecins du Monde is an independent international movement of campaigning activists who provide care, bear witness and support...
Médecins du monde — Wikipédia
Médecins du Monde est une ONG médicale de solidarité internationale créée en 1980. Elle intervient en France et à l'étranger, afin de soigner les populations les plus vulnérables, les victimes de conflits armés, de catastrophes naturelles, et ceux qui n'ont pas accès aux soins.