MDM Terms of Use URL ... What is correct URL, or is it assumed a ...
2018年1月15日 · What is the URL for the Intune MDM parameter MDM-Terms-of-Use-URL? The default lists this as https://portal.manage.microsoft.com/TermsofUse.aspx,...
How to manually add devices in Apple Business Manager (ABM) or …
2021年5月5日 · Note: If you decided to skip the step of creating the dedicated URL from Intune, you can use “ https://endpoint.microsoft.com” and acknowledge the warning “Unable to verify the enrollment URL” as follows: Apple Configurator 2 - "Define an MDM Server" menu with the warning text: “Unable to verify the enrollment URL”.
Which CNAMEs to use for Auto-discovery during MDM Enrollment
2018年10月30日 · Windows 10 Automatic MDM Enrollment If you are enrolling Windows 10 devices using automatic MDM enrollment, you don’t have to worry about configuring CNAMEs because the MDM server is configured by default when you enable automatic MDM enrollment.
Windows 10, Azure AD and Microsoft Intune: Automatic MDM …
2018年9月6日 · MDM Enrollment URL – This URL is used to enroll Windows 10 devices for management with Microsoft Intune. This is done automatically when users join their devices to Azure AD or when they add a work account to their Windows 10 machine, if automatic MDM enrollment is enabled for them.
Intune MDM enrollment certificate not present after updating to a …
2023年12月19日 · There’s been additional blog posts describing this scenario by several of our MVP’s. In this post, we’ll add on a script we developed to detect whether or not the Intune Mobile Device Management (MDM) enrollment certificate is on a co-managed Windows device and provide a few recommendations for how to resolve.
Intune Automatic Enrollment settings | Microsoft Community Hub
2020年11月16日 · In the default setting, the URLs already set, it will use the Intune URLs for the MDM enrollment. If you want another MDM system to take care of of this, like Airwatch, you have to put the Airwatch URL in there. The MAM user scope is for Windows Information Protection (WIP). This is Mobile Application Management for Windows 10.
Device has no MDM URLs when running dsregcmd status
2023年6月12日 · The device is still pending in Intune. However, on the positive site, the device is now discovered in Intune. It wasn't possible to look it up before. I've added the output from the Dsregcmd /status, Line 34, 35 and 36 are the interesting ones. The different MDM urls are missing and its hard to get a more concrete idea as to why.
Hybrid Azure AD join devices MDM set to "none"?
2019年11月13日 · Did you get a resolution to this or has anyone resolved this? I have checked all settings and KBs and all looks good, but my Hybrid Azure device MDM is still set to None. In this environment, devices were built and domain joined AND has SCCM on it. Could this be interfering? AD Connect is set up, GPO applies correctly (verified by running rsop) and devices are hybrid joined.
Step by Step configure intune to Enroll Windows 10
Hi Tien Ngo Thanh, There are multiple ways to enroll Windows PCs to Intune. 1. You can do it manually by Entering the MDM url in "Enroll only in Device Management" under Settting->Work access or school account. 2. You enroll using GPO for hybrid environment, Computer Configurations->A dministrative Templates > Windows Components > MDM. 3. Using AutoPilot for Windows Enrollment, it will ...
Guidance on Intune MDM/MAM Setup | Microsoft Community Hub
2024年12月9日 · Hello All, We are implementing Intune for MDM and MAM on iOS and Android devices. If a user (with an Entra account) has two devices, one corporate-owned and one personal, then how can we ensure that: 1. The corporate device is enrolled as MDM. 2. The personal device is enrolled as MAM.