Po change me22n - SAP Community
Dec 10, 2011 · i know it will change throgh me22n. but i dont want to give me22n authorisation to all. how to solve it.pls suggest me. Can we give change option in me23n, for header text,... here authorisatin for me22n is restricted to user due some reasons. regards, Ali. Edited by: Ali mmhyd on Dec 10, 2011 6:42 AM
ME22N/ME23n - GUI Title - Dynamic Change - SAP Community
Is there any way to change the GUI Title of PO screen in ME23n and ME22n. Currently it displays the PO number - Created by <user>. My requirement is to add a additional information of (say Cost Center name> ) along with that..
ME22n BADI - delivery date problem - SAP Community
HI I am working on a BADI for ME22N -- > IF_EX_ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST When user adds a new line item I need to track it.Is there any variable or table field which gives information that the line item I am refering to is a new line item user is adding and not an already existing line item.
Question Regarding Purchase Order change(ME22n)
1) Change to any of the values of the fields in the transaction ME22n. 2) Change to the Header/ Item texts. 3) Issue outputs. I have to find out a way which would let me know that the Badi was triggered due to an Issue of the output and not due to any of the points 1 or 2. Can somebody help me out in this regard? Thanks, Ravi Kanth
User Exit, ME21N// ME22N - SAP Community
I am using ehnahcement MM06E005 -> Function Exit 'EXIT_SAPMM06E_006' which is fired when enter button is pressed for ME21N and ME22N. The internal table 'TEKPO' comtains 'All line Items of Purchasing Document'. But when the enter button is pressed, the old values of the line items are seen in TEKPO.
Add new ICON on ME22N - SAP Community
Hi All, Anyone know how to add NEW ICON on the input screen at the following location: /nME22N -> select one Purchase Order for Services -> select one Item Line -> at "Services" tab
BADI for Me21n/Me22n - SAP Community
Hi folks, Please provide the BADI where I can export the value of purchase order type into some memory ID. I tried in BADI-ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST=>open, as well as in BADI----EXTENSION_US_TAXES.
Change Plant in Service PO using ME21N & ME22N | SAP …
Second scenario is suppose the PO is created and Buyer wants to change the same in ME22N the buyer cannot change plant for service PO. I noticed that the buyer can change plant in material PO. Q: How can we handle this scenario where plant can be changeable. in service PO? Does service PO have any restrictions for plant change? Thanks. Mahesh
problem in attachment file in T-code- ME22N - SAP Community
I have one doubt in T-code- ME22N. while we are going to attach any excel or word file in T-code ME22N, it should not allow to edit in T-code- ME23N. That means one person attached the excel file & released in T-code- ME29N. while another person from other deptt. is able to delete the attachment file in t-code- ME23N.
affect on release strategy by ME22N | SAP Community
Dear All, I want to know that in which scenarios, ME22N will affect the release startegy in a relaesed PO or under release PO like any change in PO or some standard scenarios.