difference between ME2C, ME2W and ME2N - SAP Community
2012年2月10日 · ME2C is for material group purchasing documents. ME2W is for supplying plant purchasing documents. ME2N is for purchasing document number. Regards. M B raju
ME2C: Purchase Orders by Material Group - SAP FREE Tutorials
ME2C is a standard SAP tcode used to perform Purchase Orders by Material Group task in SAP ERP (or) S/4HANA system.
SAP_MM_采购订单_标准报表使用_案例教程 - CSDN博客
2023年10月7日 · 本文介绍了sap系统中的多个采购订单分组查询模块,包括me2l(供应商-订单)、me2m(物料-订单)、me2c(物料组-订单)、me2b(需求跟踪号-订单)、me2n(订单排序)和me2w(供应商工厂-订单),以及科目分配相关的me2k和me2j。
SAP如何控制采购价格不显示(适用ME23N、ME2L、ME2M、ME2K、ME2J、ME2C …
2022年6月10日 · SAP 的一些标准报表的价格是可以通过标准权限进行控制的,有些管理比较严的公司需要对价格这个敏感字段进行控制,但例如mm60这种主数据的报表应该是可以给所有人看的,但又不想所有人都可以看到价格,就可以通过权限进行控制。
ME2C SAP tcode for – Purchase Orders by Material Group
ME2C tcode in SAP MM (Purchasing in MM) module. This transaction code is used for Purchase Orders by Material Group. Here is it details, technical data, menu path etc.
ME2C SAP TCode - Purchase Orders by Material Group - SE80
One such TCode is ME2C, which provides access to Purchase Orders by Material Group / Purchasing Documents for Material Group SAP screen functionality within R/3 SAP (Or S/4HANA) systems, depending on your version and release level. Below for your convenience is a few details about this tcode including any standard documentation.
ME2C SAP TCode - Purchase Orders by Material Group
The SAP TCode ME2C is used for the task: Purchase Orders by Material Group. The TCode belongs to the ME package.
ME2C Tcode in SAP | Purchase Orders by Material Group …
ME2C is a SAP tcode coming under SRM module and BBPCRM component. View some details about ME2C tcode in SAP. ME2C tcode used for: Purchase Orders by Material Group in SAP; Module : SRM-EBP (Enterprise Buyer) Parent Module : SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) Package : ME (Application development R/3 Purchasing) ABAP Program : RM06EC00
2011年4月26日 · 引言在SAP系统中,安全性是企业运营不可或缺的一部分。为了确保敏感信息的保密性和系统功能的合规性,SAP引入了RBAM(Role-Based Authorization Management)作为其安全管理的核心组成部分。
ME2C (Purchase Orders by Material Group) TCode in SAP
Orders by Account Assignment. SAP TCode : ME2C - Purchase Orders by Material Group.