A great and simple tuner! - QRZ Forums
2020年6月17日 · I bought a new MFJ-936B loop antenna tuner from them and tried using it with a Kenwood TS-820 on phone with a 3/8" copper pipe loop element about 5 feet in diameter. I don't remember which band I was working but the loop was appropriate for the band, as per the manual. Within 5 minutes of an attempted QSO there was a "Zap" sound and smoke.
MFJ amplified receiving loop antenna testing | QRZ Forums
2017年5月17日 · As long as the loop is large enough to set the noise floor in the receiver, the S/N can be even better than with a tuned loop. That's what the MFJ and DXE loops are, essentially, an untuned loop with a preamp. I just like to omit the preamp whenever possible to avoid the noise figure of the preamp.
HF tape measure loop antenna review and giveaway
2016年12月8日 · Remember my field day video with the homemade tape measure and bicycle rim antenna on the loop tuner? Check out the patented design made by Radiowavz, and a giveaway on my page. Watch to see.
MFJ closing down manufacturing facilities effective May 17th 2024
2024年4月25日 · Well, shoot. That's surprising that MFJ is closing. I've got small collection, between a tuner, CW tutor, CW reader, and their box fan loop antenna. The loop antenna wasn't too shabby, worked a station in Ukraine once when …
How to use a Manual Tuner | Page 3 | QRZ Forums
2021年8月25日 · I try to never use a tuner, I own many. a few mfj 989c tuners, a heathkit sa-2060a, mfj 929 auto tuner, ldg z100plus and 2 johnson kw matchboxs. i wish people would stop telling new hams to get a g5rv and tuner, its a compromise antenna. dipoles, loops and verticals and such are better choices. less you need the tuner the more signal you can ...
N2VZ Enterprises Turbo Tuner out of Biz - QRZ Forums
2013年1月17日 · My biggest complaint regarding the Turbo Tuner is in it's inability to tune the screwdriver for the next higher band. It's simply not "smart" enough. If one is operating on 20 meters & you want to QSY to 17 meters, the Turbo Tuner cycles thru 30, 40, 75, 80, 75, 40, 30, 20 and then finally finds 17 meters. Long story short, the antenna must ...
K6UDA reviews the MFJ Big Ear Portable Dipole - QRZ Forums
2016年9月3日 · (Plus it coast less) I made my own Alex type loop a couple a few years ago and I have a MFJ-1786 magloop and at 9 ft the BigEar works far better and once you select the band and do the basic one time adjustment you are 1.1:1 to 1.5:1 across the whole band, where as the loop is either park yourself on one frequency and don't move or keep ...
2009年8月30日 · MFJ Enterprises, Inc. also owns Ameritron, Hy-gain, Mirage and Vectronics. To order, get a free catalog, or for your nearest dealer, call 1-662-323-5953; or write to: Cushcraft Amateur Radio Antennas, 300 Industrial Park Road, Starkville, MS 39759; or go online: www.CushcraftAmateur.com; or fax to: 1-662-323-6551.
MFJ amplified receiving loop antenna testing | Page 2 | QRZ Forums
2017年5月17日 · I am glad that you are enjoying your MFJ loop. I recently picked up a W6LVP Magnetic Loop a few weeks ago and put it up about 20 ft on a Channel Master rotator and use it as my receive antenna on my ham station while using a 132 ft Carolina Windom antenna for transmit. I really have found a tremendous difference in noise after going to a loop.
Unboxing the MFJ-998 - 1500 Watts automatic antenna tuner
2017年5月26日 · Here's an unboxing video about the MFJ-998, full legal limit 1500 Watts automatic antenna tuner (ATU). This is part of my unboxing my new toys from the Dayton Hamvention 2017 video series. Hope you enjoy! 73 Pascal VA2PV