MFJ-849 SWR Meter - RadioReference.com Forums
2022年1月7日 · I just purchased a Yaesu FT-991A and the MFJ-849 SWR meter. The readings I get for SWR and forward power on the radio's meter come nowhere close to matching the MFJ-849 SWR meter. Thoughts and suggestions are appreciated. Jim
SWR Meter out of calibration. Can it be fixed?
2019年4月26日 · I have a MFJ-873 "Grandmaster" SWR meter that is reading way high. I was getting a reading of 3.4:1 on my new antenna and a friend checked the SWR with his MFJ-259C analyzer and found the SWR to actually be around 1.3:1 give or take a point or two. I am wondering if there is any way to re-calibrate it. Seems like there ought to be anyway. Thanks.
2022年5月13日 · Have used the MFJ 813 QRP SWR/Wattmeter for several years. Works fine. The sensitivity control is very, very handy for using with different transmitters at different QRP or Low Watts. I calculate the power then set the sense and mark the dial. With the HeathKit HW-8 at 1 Watt, I adjust sensitivity to aprox. 2 o'clock. .
Watt/SWR Meter with Auto Antenna Tuner - RadioReference.com …
2017年10月25日 · I personally have a power/VSWR meter between the tuner and the antenna, so I can see what the mismatch between the antenna and the tuner looks like. If you have your VSWR meter between the tuner an the rig, you'll mostly see a nearly 1:1 match (if your antenna isn't too far out). I just use my rig's SWR metering to see that.
SWR strange problem - RadioReference.com Forums
2024年12月23日 · Here, your SWR is looking very good at 14.178. Generally, I am monitoring my SWR with a dual meter Microwave Associates power meter, forward and reverse power. I also test with a good 10 watts or more so no influence from even a repeater site 200 yards away.
Hook up swr/watt meter inline with amp - RadioReference.com …
2016年6月1日 · The meter goes in between whatever it is. Connect the stuff without a meter, then insert the meter. If you're measuring power or SWR from the radio before an amplifier then the meter goes in between. If you want to measure the amplifier output then the meter goes last. The meter needs to be rated for use at the amplifier power level.
New Digital SWR/Power Meter from MFJ | QRZ Forums
2017年7月14日 · Also try the PEP hold on the cross needle meter and then see if a SSB signal on the digital will equal the cross needle reading by multiplying the digital reading by 1.414, that would hopefully put the PEP in the ball park. in other words, RMS = …
Any recommendations on SWR meter - RadioReference.com Forums
2015年8月23日 · The MFJ-842 that I speak of is a cross-needle style meter. The reflected needle never moved enough off its seat to intersect the forward needle anywhere in the SWR Plot. MFJ-842 Compact Cross-Needle SWR/Wattmeter 140-525 MHz Product Reviews
MFJ coaxial antenna switch issue. - RadioReference.com Forums
2025年2月20日 · IMO those MFJ lightning protection switches are a defective design that may work with some combinations of antennas where the RF ground is earth ground (like verticals). But with any combination of dipoles that have a floating RF ground they won't work if you expect your tuned SWR to be what you got without the switch in the circuit.
SWR meter with remote head? | RadioReference.com Forums
2024年11月23日 · mfj-819, it, flat remote, swr/wattmeter, mobile, hf+6m, 2kw Just 1 5/8 thick -- easily mounts on your dashboard for easy viewing. Flat mounton wall or shelf in your ham shack for best viewing angle.Remote sensor with 25 feet thin, flexible cable lets you place sensor and coax out-of-the-way.Handles full 1500 Watts, 1.8-60 MHz.