New USB interface for HF digital modes by MFJ | Page 2 | QRZ …
2017年3月13日 · New USB interface for HF digital modes by MFJ Discussion in ' Amateur Radio News ' started by KJ4YZI, Mar 13, 2017.
New USB interface for HF digital modes by MFJ - QRZ Forums
2017年3月13日 · the MFJ 1275 is by the better working device here. I have 2 of the MFJ 1275 and they have worked flawless!!!!!! I couldn't ask for better product!!!!! I wouldn't trust this new product! I'd stick with the 1275 or a signal link.
Xiegu X108G Rig Control HRD and PSK31/RTTY/JT65/FT-8 - QRZ …
2017年8月6日 · I use a LENOVO S 100 and a mfj 1275 for digital in the car and I just downloaded the software and installed and away I go!!!! it works wonderful. The audio from the radio ( kenwood ts440s ) has to be just right and then it will decode.
MFJ in partnership with InnovAntennas and G0KSC
2017年1月5日 · MFJ is a unique American success story and has proven that we can effortlessly compete with and beat China on the lowest end of the quality scale. They have a fine reputation for providing challenging products that offer endless hours of troubleshooting as we attempt to figure out how they were supposed to work.
QRP Antenna GIVEAWAY by HamRadioConcepts | QRZ Forums
2017年2月13日 · N3MOW Ham Member QRZ Page I have been using the MFJ 1275 Digital Interface for the last few months. It is simple to use and works well. I've made many DX contact as well as stateside. Easy hookup no complex cabling needed. Would suggest to others looking for an interface. N3MOW Marty McGlensey [email protected]
MFJ closing down manufacturing facilities effective May 17th 2024
2024年4月25日 · Yesterday, MFJ Enterprises announced that they would be closing down their manufacturing facilities in Starkville, Mississippi effective May 17th, but would continue selling their wide selection of imported products including portable/mobile antennas, power supplies, clocks, and antenna switches. This closure also impacts all of their sub-brands: Ameritron, Hy-Gain, Cushcraft, Mirage and ...
MFJ closing down manufacturing facilities effective May 17th 2024
2024年4月25日 · MFJ closing down manufacturing facilities effective May 17th 2024 Discussion in ' Amateur Radio News ' started by W4LKO, Apr 25, 2024 .
MFJ-1868 - Discone Antenna for Broadband SDR receivers
2018年2月8日 · The MFJ-1868 is a low-cost ultra-wide-band discone antenna, with a receive (RX) range of 25-1300 MHz and it can be used to transmit (TX) from 50-1300 MHz. It can handle up to 200 Watts SSB. Ideal for 6/2/11 Meters, 70/33/23 CM ham bands. Excellent for testing various transmitters or to be used with any wide band SDR receiver.
MFJ-4275MV 75 Amp Switching Power Supply - QRZ Forums
2022年4月18日 · If you have a large ham shack and need a strong power supply then take a look at the MFJ-4275MV 75 Amp Switching Power Supply! The MFJ-4275MV 75 Amp Switching Power Supply puts out 75 amp peak and 70 amps continuous. You can run your equipment off of four different connector types.
MFJ-1982MP End Fed Antenna - QRZ Forums
2020年5月13日 · Hello all! put together a quick video on the MFJ-1982MP (300 watts) 132 foot end fed antenna as well as a 34 foot carbon fiber mast I picked up from...