WPX Contest--schedule | Page 2 | QRZ Forums
2024年3月26日 · Hi Steve! I did not contest seriously but did get 11 countries. Cape Verde, Canada, Puerto Rico, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, Croatia, Morroco, England, Portugal, Germany, and Curaçao.....Will I get in the DX Hall of Fame????? No way dude lol.....But considering my 100 watts and MFJ - 1621 portable antenna, I was happy to get the DX I did.
MFJ closing down manufacturing facilities effective May 17th 2024
2024年4月25日 · MFJ intends to continue to service and warranty these product lines for the foreseeable future. GigaParts customers may bring their warranty claims to either MFJ or GigaParts . Love them or hate them, after 52 years of business, MFJ has been an iconic part of the ham radio industry and brought several innovative products to market including ...
MFJ closing down manufacturing facilities effective May 17th 2024
2024年4月25日 · I think in time I could even grow MFJ and definitely improve the quality and facility. Anyone with the money who wants to rescue MFJ reach out to me. +1 614 675 2497 is my direct dial. DXE, HRO and the rest of the MFJ distributers - pony up and support me for a leveraged buyout and take your returns in discounted goods until you get your money ...
MFJ closing down manufacturing facilities effective May 17th 2024
2024年4月25日 · Getting back to MFJ, one of the side-effects of Covid-19 was that workers became more empowered, realizing how much they were actually worth. Many restaurants and small businesses are actually starting to pay workers a living wage and/or offering other perks such as medical insurance so they can retain them.
MFJ-1868 - Discone Antenna for Broadband SDR receivers
2018年2月8日 · The MFJ-1868 is a low-cost ultra-wide-band discone antenna, with a receive (RX) range of 25-1300 MHz and it can be used to transmit (TX) from 50-1300 MHz. It can handle up to 200 Watts SSB. Ideal for 6/2/11 Meters, 70/33/23 CM ham bands. Excellent for testing various transmitters or to be used with any wide band SDR receiver.
MFJ-1982MP End Fed Antenna - QRZ Forums
2020年5月13日 · Hello all! put together a quick video on the MFJ-1982MP (300 watts) 132 foot end fed antenna as well as a 34 foot carbon fiber mast I picked up from GigaParts. I had the antenna in an inverted V configuration, and was very pleased with its performance. The best part was making a contact on 10m.
Does the MFJ-1984MP need a tuner? I put it to the test.
2021年5月26日 · I’ve been using a Chameleon Emcomm 2 which is an end fed without external tuner, it has a 5:1 matchbox with an 80 feet wire and a 60 feet counter poise running to the opposite way from where the radiating wire is going.
Proven: The MFJ-1708SDR Degrades your Transceiver's Performance
2018年7月15日 · FACT: The MFJ-1708SDR Transmit/Receive switch will degrade your receivers' performance and significantly hurt your ability to work weak DX Stations. Using a Signal Generator, Oscilloscope, T Connector & Reference Grade Minicircuits ZSC-2-2+ Power Splitter, I conclusively prove the MFJ-1708SDR will hurt the performance of both your main receiver ...
Does the MFJ-1984MP need a tuner? I put it to the test.
2021年5月26日 · But I confirm that on 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 m its SWR in my setup is less than 2. I'm on the air only 3 months (since March 8 2021 and already worked 56 countries on 6 continents. Antenna definitely cost it's price. Now I'm planning to buy another end fed from MFJ (only high power one) and to put it at the right angle to the first antenna.
MFJ-1708SDR review - Share your antenna between your ... - QRZ …
2018年1月21日 · MFJ-1708SDR review - Share your antenna between your transceiver and an SDR Discussion in ' Amateur Radio News ' started by VA2PV , Jan 21, 2018 . Page 2 of 2 < Prev 1 2