NanoVNA a $50-$70 Ham Radio Antenna Analyzer? - QRZ Forums
2019年12月10日 · My mfj-259b will be collecting dust now. KC2YMO, Dec 11, 2019 #8. N4ZAM and VE3EKN like this. K7TRF ...
MFJ closing down manufacturing facilities effective May 17th 2024
2024年4月26日 · The last MFJ product I bought was a pair of bias-tees a couple of months ago. Over the years I've acquired an assortment of MFJ stuff. Their little switching 13.8V switching power supplies are FB. I have a MFJ-259B I bought 25 years ago that's still gets regular use. I have a AL-800H amp that I haven's used in many years.
A great and simple tuner! - QRZ Forums
2020年6月17日 · I have had an MFJ-259B analyzer for at least 20 years-the only thing that has ever gone wrong with it is the selector switch, and that was fixed quickly and for a reasonable cost. That analyzer has been used outside, gotten wet, been dropped, isn't pretty anymore but still works just fine. Also have an MFJ-815D wattmeter.
MFJ closing down manufacturing facilities effective May 17th 2024
2024年4月25日 · MFJ has fulfilled his dream, but time waits for no one. - He, and MFJ, were a great contribution to multiple ‘Radio Enthusiasts’. We should never forget that.
MFJ Flow Chart | QRZ Forums
2002年11月11日 · MFJ Flow Chart. Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by N8UVI, Oct 17, 2002. Thread Status: Not open ...
How to use a Manual Tuner | Page 4 | QRZ Forums
2021年9月28日 · I try to never use a tuner, I own many. a few mfj 989c tuners, a heathkit sa-2060a, mfj 929 auto tuner, ldg z100plus and 2 johnson kw matchboxs. i wish people would stop telling new hams to get a g5rv and tuner, its a compromise antenna. dipoles, loops and verticals and such are better choices. less you need the tuner the more signal you can ...
MFJ's Martin Jue, K5FLU answers questions on YouTube
2021年3月29日 · Over the past 32 years I've bought a few MFJ products that had quality control issues. I just fixed the issues and rather easily. I have bought many radio toys from them, a good number of items that were only being manufactured by them at the time. I've also bought some very expensive toys from Palstar and also had QC issues.
MFJ closing down manufacturing facilities effective May 17th 2024
2024年4月25日 · MFJ intends to continue to service and warranty these product lines for the foreseeable future. GigaParts customers may bring their warranty claims to either MFJ or GigaParts . Love them or hate them, after 52 years of business, MFJ has been an iconic part of the ham radio industry and brought several innovative products to market including ...
MFJ closing down manufacturing facilities effective May 17th 2024
2024年4月25日 · Getting back to MFJ, one of the side-effects of Covid-19 was that workers became more empowered, realizing how much they were actually worth. Many restaurants and small businesses are actually starting to pay workers a living wage and/or offering other perks such as medical insurance so they can retain them.
MFJ closing down manufacturing facilities effective May 17th 2024
2024年4月25日 · I think in time I could even grow MFJ and definitely improve the quality and facility. Anyone with the money who wants to rescue MFJ reach out to me. +1 614 675 2497 is my direct dial. DXE, HRO and the rest of the MFJ distributers - pony up and support me for a leveraged buyout and take your returns in discounted goods until you get your money ...