MFJ-989 lubrication - RadioReference.com Forums
2020年8月13日 · I've acquired a used MFJ-989C roller inductor tuner. The inductor knob seems to be a little stiff and inconsistent to turn. I'm wondering if it would help to sparingly lubricate the innards. There are two points of consideration: the plastic gear train for the turns counter and the bearings at each end of the inductor frame.
Doublet troubles - RadioReference.com Forums
2022年6月19日 · I've built a doublet for which I intended to use on 20-6 meters. It is roughly 38' long (16 gauge wire) and fed in the middle with 40' of 450 ohm ladder line connected directly to an MFJ 989C antenna tuner which is rated up to 3000 watts. The antenna is about 20' in the air between 2 trees. The...
Antenna tuners - RadioReference.com Forums
2015年12月23日 · FWIW, the MFJ-989D is a great tuner if you go that route. It will tune a wet noodle if necessary. Hi, hi. I have the MFJ-989C (previous revision level). These are the MFJ VERSA TUNER V; Legal Limit Series-Roller Inductor. But I also agree that the antenna is very important and should be looked at first.
Manual vs Automatic Tuners (MFJ-969 versus MFJ-993B)
2021年9月22日 · My manual tuner is the MFJ-989C (an older model - - 3 kW MFJ Versa Tuner V). If you plan to invest in a linear amplifier anytime in the next couple of years, say from 800 Watts to full legal limit, I would suggest investing in the higher rated tuner now so you don't have to replace that component of your station.
Great antenna: K1JEK's Cobra Ultra-Lite Senior
2014年8月21日 · I use mine with a MFJ 989C roller inductor and it tunes it right up. In fact, 90% of the time; when I am on 40, I have the roller inductor tuner in bypass and use the tuner on the radio. The only bands that I HAVE to use the tuner on, is the 30 and 75 meter bands.
My Kenwood TS-950SDX Nightmare - RadioReference.com Forums
2010年2月11日 · (I have a MFJ 989C, that just got "gone though" by a friend of mine...) Anyhow, I consult with the "Experts" and they tell me, it's a pot in the TXCO Unit. and so, I get that replaced and Naturally, I still got issues.
CQ de N6TT - RadioReference.com Forums
2009年3月31日 · Tuners: Palstar AT-Auto, Ameritron ATR-30, MFJ-989C Rotor: M2 model RC2800P-A computerized (installed 1990) Tower: US Towers 89 foot motorized from the shack, with a 24' pole on top. Antennas: CX333 @ 111 foot. 3 element yagi WARC @ 110 foot 144/440 yagi @105 foot 3 element 7 MHz yagi "M2" @ 100 foot 144/440 yagi @ 95 foot
Antenna suggestions for Yaesu ft101e - RadioReference.com Forums
2015年10月25日 · It does require an Antenna Tuner of which I use a MFJ Versa Tuner V but any of their 300 watts and up antenna tuners would be good. For strictly 80,40,20,15,10 Meters, you could go with other Alpha-Delta series antennas on this page but an antenna tuner would still be needed for the 80 Meter band since the antenna is electrically short.
MFJ coaxial antenna switch issue. - RadioReference.com Forums
2025年2月20日 · I have an issue with the FT991A tuning my antennas thru an MFJ coaxial antenna switch. It will not even attempt to tune either one. I tried another switch (also MFJ) and I have the same problem. Does anyone else have a problem tuning an antenna thru a switch, or is it because it is "MFJ" ?
Three noise reduction tools that I can't live without, and how I …
2025年3月6日 · The second tool is the MFJ-616 Speech Intelligibility Enhancer. This tool is basically a four band EQ that allows you to enhance and contour the frequencies in the vocal range (300Hz, 600 Hz, 1200 Hz, and 2400 Hz) that our ears are most sensitive to.