MG 42 - Wikipedia
The MG 42 (shortened from German: Maschinengewehr 42, or "machine gun 42") is a German recoil-operated air-cooled general-purpose machine gun used extensively by the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS during the second half of World War II.
MG-42通用机枪(英文:MG-42 General-purpose machine gun [4],德文:Maschinengewehr 42 [4]),是德国在第二次世界大战期间研制列装的机枪。 MG-42通用机枪为7.92毫米口径,发射7.92×57毫米 毛瑟步枪 弹,全枪长度1219毫米、枪管长度533毫米、空枪含两脚架重11.6千克、供弹方式为50发或300发弹链、理论射速1200~1500发/分钟、枪口初速755米/秒、有效射程800~1000米。 [4] MG-42通用机枪为1937年开始设计试制,于1942年德军开始在作战中使用 …
MG42射速为什么那么快?求从机械原理方面的解释? - 知乎
MG42是短行程管退式枪机(Short-Recoil Operated),滚柱闭锁(Roller locked)。 图为处于闭锁状态的MG42枪机,图中:枪管(灰色)、弹膛(紫色)、闭锁滚柱(绿色)、闭锁凸轮(蓝色)、开锁凸面(黄色)。
The MG-42 Machine Gun - The National WWII Museum | New Orleans
In spite of its tendency to overheat, the MG-42 was an excellent weapon that was light-years of ahead of the US counterpart, the Browning M-1919A4 machine gun. Germany produced roughly 400,000 MG-42s during the war, some of which are still in active service.
射速上千,称作“德国电锯”的MG42,为什么会落幕? - 知乎
2021年12月17日 · MG42是德军MG34的继任者,是1942年研制出并就役的,是二战时期射速最快的一款机枪。 因为射速过快,所以机枪发射的时候发出的声音跟通常的枪声一样清脆,它会发出电锯一般的“嗤嗤”声,苏联的士兵们则将它叫做“撕布机”。
“希特勒的电锯”——MG42通用机枪小记 - 知乎
2017年10月9日 · MG42通用机枪采用枪管短后座式工作原理,滚柱撑开式闭锁机构,击针式击发机构。 该枪的发射机构只能连发射击。 MG42的供弹机构(有经验的老兵可以使用连发打出精准的点射) MG42通用机枪的枪管更换装置由盖环和卡榫组成,它们位于枪管套筒后侧,打开卡榫和盖环,盖环便迅速地将枪管托出。 该枪瞄准具为机械式,瞄准具由弧形表尺和准星组成,准星与照门均可折叠。 MG42的缺口式照门. MG42通用机枪发射7.92毫米×57毫米枪弹,由于射速非常 …
MG42: Machine Gun | Weapon Guide - YouTube
Museum curator Greg Parson explains the history of the German MG42. This weapon was the main german light and heavy machine gun during the latter part of Wor...
German infantry battalion in 1942: 861 personnel, MG42 "German Chain …
The most representative weaponry of the German infantry in World War II: the MG42 general machine gun, also began to appear in this period. Let's take a look at the basic composition of the German infantry battalion.
RARE PRE-WAR WWII WW2 German Original MG34 / MG42 Patronengurt 34 Chain ...
A scarce example of an early pre-war Patronengurt 34, as used with the MG34 and later MG42. This particular example is presented in good original (uncleaned) blued condition and is very clearly marked with the 'B' maker's logo and date stamped '2.39' to …
MG42 - ww2steel.com
The MG42 was easier and faster to build than the MG34, with a substantial increase in rate of fire. The MG42, due to its looser design parameters, could ingest higher volumes of foreign debris and continue to function.
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