Material Icons - Material UI
2,100+ ready-to-use React Material Icons from the official website. @mui/icons-material includes the 2,100+ official Material Icons converted to SvgIcon components. It depends on @mui/material, which requires Emotion packages. Use one of the following commands to install it:
Material Design Icons - Icon Library - Pictogrammers
We're a collective of passionate individuals creating beautiful icon and font libraries for drop-in use in your designs and development. Made with from all over the world! The original. Following …
Material Symbols and Icons - Google Fonts
Material Symbols are our newest icons consolidating over 2,500 glyphs in a single font file with a wide range of design variants.
Material Design Icons
f048 mdi-arrow-down-bold-circle-outline. f049 mdi-arrow-down-bold-hexagon-outline. f04a mdi-arrow-down-drop-circle
Material Icons 图标 - MUI
Material Icons 图标. 你可以在我们的官网上找到 1100 多个 React Material icons。 @material-ui/icons 这个 npm 包包含了 1100 多个已经被转换成 SvgIcon 的官方 Material icons 。
Material Design Iconic Font :: Icons - GitHub Pages
Material Design Iconic Font is a full suite of official material design icons (created and maintained by Google), with additional community-designed icons and brands icons for easy scalable vector graphics on websites or desktop.
Material design icons 中文 图标列表 (google官方图标 Material icons …
2019年11月23日 · 探索未来设计之美:Material Design图标库 项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/mat/material-icons 项目简介 Material Design Icons(MDI)是Google官方推出的图标集,遵循Material Design的设计风格,提供了一套系统化的图标解决方案。
图标组件 Icon - mdui 开发文档
如果需要通过该组件使用 Material Icons 图标,你需要单独导入 Material Icons 的 CSS 文件。 Material Icons 共有 5 种变体,分别为:Filled、Outlined、Rounded、Sharp、Two Tone,请根据你要使用的图标变体,导入对应的 CSS 文件:
GitHub - material-icons/material-icons: Updated version of …
Material Design Icons is the official icon set from Google. The icons are designed under the material design guidelines. This is an updated version of icons, which includes all icons available at material.io. You can find an older version of this icon set in …
Material Design Icons
Updated version of Google Material Design Icons from material.io. Each icon comes in 5 variations: baseline, sharp, outline, round, two tone.