Gebel Nuñez | Social Media Manager + Strategist | - Instagram
Want to turn your social media from a time sink into a sales machine? 💸💸💸 If you’re serious about scaling your brand or mastering social media management (SMM) skills, it’s time to invest in a professional team that served multiple brands and delivered results for more than 2 years! 🤩 Whether you want someone to take over your ...
Gebel Social Media Manager (@mgn.socialsuite) - TikTok
14K+ Followers on IG 30+ Paid Brand Deals since Nov. 2022 SMM for 2+ years 🇵🇭
Maria Gebel Nuñez | SuperProfile
Welcome to MGN Social Suite 💻 Helping you make an IMPACT on social media 🤝 SMM | Consultation | Training Program
Rice Bran (MGN-3), Curcumin Kill MGUS, SMM
Curcumin and MGN-3 enhance the killing of monoclonal proteins; I see MGN-3 and curcumin as a kind of non-toxic, one-two punch to MM cells. If you’ve been diagnosed with pre-MM (SBP. MGUS or SMM) consider undergoing evidence-based but non-toxic therapies shown to reduce the risk of a full MM diagnosis.
The VSMN extracts multi-granularity features to enrich contextual relationships, while the MGFN aligns features across modalities and hierarchies for deep fusion. This approach overcomes the limitations of sequential structures in irregular text. Experiments show MGN-Net outperforms existing models. Code will be released.
如何看待 Steamparty 主办的独立游戏发布会「MGN」? - 知乎
MGN是北京时间2021年5月31日晚8点,在STEAM与ACFUN 举办的一场线上独立游戏发布会。 展会主办方为@Steamparty,展会旨在将更多的游戏带给中国玩家。 MGN是以木然为首,以自娱自乐为主要目的的一场非常不正规,非常拉跨的独立游戏发布会。 与其说是发布会,更可以当作是一群朋友聚在一起播播片,聊聊游戏. 木GN,起先大概是绿先知的一个想法,然后是一些UP的帮忙,当然还有苇宝和剪辑师傅的亲力亲为的一场几乎为单机爱好者的Acer们的盛宴。 虽然也有 …
Don't know what to include in your SMM portfolio? Been ... - TikTok
2022年11月9日 · TikTok video from Gebel 🌟 Social Media Manager (@mgn.socialsuite): “Don't know what to include in your SMM portfolio? 🤔 Been there done that. But I got you! Here's a sample of my portfolio as a social media manager I created using Canva only! 🤩 Watch the entire video to know more and save this video for later!
MGN多粒度行人重识别复现--总结(更新中) - 知乎专栏
这篇论文可以说是ReID中比较出名的了,之前的PCB可以说证明了local(partial) feature在ReID中举足轻重的作用,而MGN也是采用local的思想去切feature,18年的论文却仍然在Market上达到了惊人的95.7%的Rank-1(比我的工作还高一点,惭愧)。
High-Risk SMM- Therapy - PeopleBeatingCancer
high risk smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM) can be managed with evidence-based non-conventional therapies shown to reduce
1,141 Followers, 763 Following, 53 Posts - SMM | МАРКЕТИНГ | ИНСТАГРАМ | ВКОНТАКТЕ | ОБУЧЕНИЕ (@smm.mgn) on Instagram: "Мария - SMM практик, руководитель SMM-агентства ️за честный и этичный маркетинг ️помогаю разобраться в ...