Militaires Sans Frontières | Metal Gear Wiki | Fandom
Militaires Sans Frontières (\mi.li.tɛʁ sɑ̃ fʁɔ̃.tjɛʁ\ approx: mee-lee-TEHR sahn frohn-ti-AIR), abbreviated MSF and known in English as Army Without Borders, was a private military company founded and led by renowned mercenary Big Boss in the early 1970s.
Morpho - Metal Gear Wiki
Morpho is the callsign used by the MSF helicopter pilot in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. If Morpho's chopper is shot down during the mission, his role is replaced by an identical pilot of the same name and voice.
(MSF) Militaires Sans Frontières - Google Sites
Founded 09/01/2020, the Militaires Sans Frontières (MSF) was created / supported by Commanding Officer "Big Bars" and Executive Officer "Kaz", dedicated to the real-life counterpart within the...
无国界之军 - 百度百科
无国界之军(法语:militaires sans frontieres日语:国境なき军队 简称:msf)出自于著名谍报动作游戏《合金装备》中的一个虚拟雇佣军事组织,由big boss(snake)所创建和带领,outer heaven(世外天堂)的前身。
Wandering Mother Base Soldiers | Metal Gear Wiki | Fandom
The model used for the Wandering Mother Base Soldiers is an updated version of the Militaires Sans Frontieres soldier model first seen in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, being dirtied and with the MSF logo etched on the back of the body armor.
Militaires Sans Frontières - Unit Explanation - Google Sites
The Militaires Sans Fronti ères has multiple units which correlate to the real-life counterpart within the Metal Gear Solid universe. These units sport many different abilities and...
Militaires Sans Frontières | Fictional Groups Wikia | Fandom
Militaires Sans Frontières, usually shortened to the MSF, was a private military led by Big Boss and Kazuhira Miller from 1972 to 1975. It is the business the player must manage throughout Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. It is the predecessor of Diamond Dogs.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker/Mother Base - StrategyWiki
2023年9月21日 · The Mother Base interface is the default gameplay state of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker; it is the first screen you see when you load your save game before you move on to select a mission. The Mother Base interface is how you put the human, material, and intelligence assets of MSF toward the support of your mission, whether it is generating ...
MSF Fatigues at Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Nexus
A standalone MSF headgear that replaces the in-game balaclava. Update 1.9: You can now choose between the TPP and the GZ versions of the MSF Fatigues, as well as choosing weather you want the Headphone as default preset!
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain Guide - IGN
2015年12月4日 · The MSF's existence was threatened towards the end of their mission, when the leader of the Peace Sentinel, Hot Coldman, intended to launch a nuclear strike upon Mother Base.