Mk22 - Metal Gear Wiki | Fandom
―Mk22 weapon description in Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops " A special handgun developed by the U.S. Navy for its Special Forces units. It is furnished with a slide lock mechanism to maximize the noise cancelling effect when equipped with a suppressor.
Where can i get an Mk22?? - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
I'm at the stage where I've just crawled under all the electric fences after meeting EVA (I've reached the 'past base')and really need the Mk22 (the weapon EVA gave me has no ammo and the guards...
MGS系列轻武器资料大全:MGS3 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在食蛇者行动里,这把MK22是EVA提供的。 In Game:估计是MGS3里使用频率最高的武器之一。 根据Codec对话,这把消音麻醉手枪由Sigint设计。 加上消音器之后能够很方便地放倒敌兵而不被注意。 不过配用的消音器有耐久度,是消耗品。 消音器可以在游戏多处地方取得,威胁敌军士兵也有一定概率获得。 武器简介:越战时期根据主要活动在敌后的海豹突击队的要求而开发研制的一把消音手枪,绰号Hush-Puppy。 另外该枪为了消除机械运作的声音,采用单发发射,需要 …
Metal Gear Solid 3 weapons
This article is a list of weapons that appear in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. A suppressor is a device that can be used on the XM16E1, MK22, and M1911A1 to reduce gunshot noise. However, each suppressor can only be used a certain number of times before it needs replacing since Metal Gear...
Collectibles Guide - Steam Community
2023年12月2日 · Weapon (Mk22) – Automatically obtained story weapon. Acquired after collecting your backpack. Weapon (EZ Gun) – If starting a new game on Very Easy only, you get this after collecting your backpack. Otherwise, it is unlocked at the end of the game after earning the markhor codename for collecting all 48 animals and plants (listed in this ...
Tranquilizer gun | Metal Gear Wiki | Fandom
A tranquilizer gun (or tranq gun) is a handheld firearm whose ammunition is non-lethal, and used to knock enemies unconscious. Tranquilizer guns in the Metal Gear Solid games include: M9 - a...
Weapons and Equipment - MGS3: Snake Eater Guide - IGN
Mk22 A modified special ops version of the Mk22, a suppressor-equipped tranquilizer gun being developed by the Navy. Because it uses a slide lock mechanism for added suppression capability, it...
MGS3 武器・アイテム一覧|メタルギアソリッド3 - メタルギア …
2023年9月18日 · 『メタルギアソリッド3 スネークイーター (mgs3)』に登場する武器・アイテムと、その獲得方法の一覧を掲載。
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater – Weapons FAQ - GameFAQs
2007年1月4日 · MK22 (CQC Compatible) ===== Description: A modified special version of the Mk22. A suppressor equipped tranquilizer gun being developed by the Navy. Because it uses a slide lock mechanism for...
Weapons (MGS3) - Metal Gear Solid Collection Guide - IGN
MK22. This is your weapon of choice. It fires a tranquilizer dart that will put a target to sleep. Use these darts to deplete the stamina of a boss, and win the battle with a non-lethal take down.
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