MHz Networks - Wikipedia
MHz Networks is an American broadcaster that specializes in international television programming. MHz (pronounced "M-H-Z") Networks began as a project of the Commonwealth …
Hertz - Wikipedia
In computers, most central processing units (CPU) are labeled in terms of their clock rate expressed in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz). This specification refers to the frequency of …
赫兹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
赫兹 (Hertz,符号:Hz),常简称 赫[1],是 频率 的 国际单位制单位,表示每一 秒 周期性事件发生的次数 [2][3]。 赫兹是以首个用实验验证 电磁波 存在的科学家 海因里希·赫兹 命名,常 …
赫茲 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
赫茲 (Hertz,符號:Hz),常簡稱 赫[1],是 頻率 的 國際單位制單位,表示每一 秒 週期性事件發生的次數 [2][3]。 赫茲是以首個用實驗驗證 電磁波 存在的科學家 海因里希·赫茲 命名,常 …
Orders of magnitude (frequency) - Wikipedia
The following list illustrates various frequencies, measured in hertz, according to decade in the order of their magnitudes, with the negative decades illustrated by events and positive …
Hertz - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The hertz (symbol: Hz, definition: 1/ s) is a unit derived from time which measures frequency in the International System of Units (SI). Frequency is how often something happens. A …
兆赫 - 百度百科
兆赫 ,是波动 频率 单位之一,符号MHz,1兆赫等于10 6 赫兹。 兆赫是 国际单位 制中频率的单位,它是单位时间中的周期性变动重复次数的计量。 每秒钟 振动 100万次叫1兆赫。
兆赫(Mega Hertz, MHz)是波動頻率單位之一。波動頻率的基本單位是赫茲,采千進位制;1兆赫相當於1000千赫(KHz),也就是10^6赫茲。值得注意的是,兆赫只是一定義上... 0.0MHz. 0.0MHz,韓 …
What is megahertz (MHz)? – TechTarget Definition
Megahertz (MHz) is a unit multiplier that represents one million hertz (10 6 Hz). Hertz is the standard unit of frequency in the International System of Units (SI). It is commonly used as a …
MHz - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2024年12月2日 · (metrology) Symbol for megahertz, an SI unit of frequency equal to 10 6 hertz. Abbreviation of megahertz. 1st person sing. 2nd person sing. 3rd person sing.