Directorate of Military Intelligence (United Kingdom) - Wikipedia
During World War I, British secret services were divided into numbered sections named Military Intelligence, department number x, abbreviated to MIx, such as MI1 for information management. The branch, department, section, and sub-section numbers varied through the life of the department; examples include:
MI6 - Wikipedia
The Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), commonly known as MI6 (Military Intelligence, Section 6), is the foreign intelligence service of the United Kingdom, tasked mainly with the covert overseas collection and analysis of human intelligence on foreign nationals in …
軍情六處 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
英國秘密情報局 (英語: Secret Intelligence Service, 縮寫: SIS),通稱 军情六处 (英文: Military Intelligence, Section 6,縮寫: MI6),是 英國 對外的 情報機構,隸屬於 聯合情報委員會 (英语:Joint Intelligence Committee (United Kingdom)),由 外交大臣 領導,於1909年成立,負責在海外進行 間諜 工作。 自1569年 伊丽莎白一世 时期英国 國務大臣 弗朗西斯·沃尔辛厄姆 爵士創立「英国保密局」后,曾几度变更其机构形式,直到1912年由 曼斯菲尔德·史密斯-卡明 海 …
SIS | Home
We are SIS – the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service - also known as MI6. Our people work secretly around the world to make the UK safer and more prosperous. For over 100 years SIS has ensured the...
军情六处(英国秘密情报局的俗称)_百度 ... - 百度百科
英国秘密情报局(Secret Intelligence Service,SIS),常被称为军情六处或军情六局(Military Intelligence, Section 6,MI6),是英国对外情报机构,主要作用是根据联合情报委员会的要求和部长们的批准,就涉及英国安全、国防、外交和经济政策等重大利益的问题提供秘密 ...
都知道英国情报机构有MI6和MI5,那你知道本来是有19个军情处 …
2023年3月7日 · 军情六处(mi6)现称为英国秘密情报局,基本职责是在英国境外搜集情报以支持政府的安全、防务、外交和经济政策,并从事间谍情报和国外反间谍活动。
SIS – Our History
The origins of the use of ‘MI6’ are to be found at the start of the Second World War when this abbreviation was adopted as a flag of convenience for SIS. It was used extensively throughout the...
MI5 vs MI6 - What is the difference - What Does MI6 Do? - Politics.co.uk
MI5 vs MI6? MI5 and MI6 are both intelligence agencies of the UK government, but there is a crucial difference. MI5 is responsible for protecting UK citizens and interests at home, notably against threats to national security.
Why are MI5 and MI6 so famous and what happened to the other …
2020年10月1日 · Operating since 2009 MI6's job is to protect the British public at home, by working secretively abroad. Its three main tasks are "preventing terrorism, disrupting the activity of hostile states, and giving the UK a cyber advantage". MI5 and MI6 are by far the most famous spy departments, but this is simply because none of the others exist anymore.
007特工所属的英国军情六处(MI6)到底是个什么组织? - 知乎
军情六处源于军事情报第6部分的名称,在二战期间简称为mi6,后来因为詹姆斯·邦德(007)的小说和电影而闻名于世。 虽然军情六处是军事情报理事会的一个官方部门,但该机构的官方名称实际上应该为SIS(秘密情报局)。