Xiaomi Mi7 Lite smartphone specification - MobileXFiles
Xiaomi Mi7 Lite smartphone runs on Android v7.1 (Nougat) operating system. The phone is powered by Octa core, 2 GHz, Cortex A53 processor. It has 64 GB. Internal storage options which can be extended with the help of Yes, Up to 128 GB. The smartphone has a IPS LCD providing. The smartphone is fueled with a Li-ion.
功能Xiaomi Mi7 Lite数据表 - Unite4Buy
完整的Xiaomi Mi7 Lite规格和规格。有关屏幕,相机,电池,处理器,内存等的所有信息
Xiaomi Mi7 Lite specifications and features - Unite4Buy
Features and technical specifications of the Xiaomi Mi7 Lite. Everything about the weight, size (dimensions), camera, display, resolution, battery, CPU, RAM, wifi, tech specs, features, prices and more
Xiaomi Mi7 Lite Specification, Features, Questions and Reviews
Xiaomi Mi7 Lite Full specifications, size, screen parameters, performance, storage space and ram, useful features and reviews of the mobile. MobileSpecs.
Xiaomi Mi 8 Lite - Full phone specifications - GSMArena.com
2018年11月30日 · Xiaomi Mi 8 Lite Android smartphone. Announced Sep 2018. Features 6.26″ display, Snapdragon 660 chipset, 3350 mAh battery, 128 GB storage, 6 GB RAM.
Xiaomi Mi7 Lite Review: specs and features, camera quality
2018年5月14日 · Xiaomi Mi7 Lite - simplification for the better. After the release of the next technological flagship, the manufacturer always thinks about that part of the audience that does not have the opportunity, for one reason or another, to purchase a productive novelty.
小米8 Lite - 小米香港官網 - Xiaomi
2400萬超高解析度,1.8μm 大像素,配合 AI 場景相機與 AI 螢幕智能補光,白天夜晚隨手拍,張張驚豔出彩。 等色彩,輕補自然裸妝。 更支援錄影美顔,動態即時美顔。 無論拍照或錄影,都是你最美的一面。 不僅白天拍照明亮細膩,更能疾速抓拍暗光下的美景。 小米8 Lite 2400萬自拍 呈現更多美,有著小瀏海全螢幕的螢幕設計,並搭配 SONY 2400萬鏡頭。 小米8 Lite自拍旗艦擁有 AI 裸妝美顏功能,讓你怎麼拍都美。
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