[1907.04132] Linear MIM-Width of Trees - arXiv.org
2019年7月9日 · We provide an $O(n \log n)$ algorithm computing the linear maximum induced matching width of a tree and an optimal layout.
Linear MIM-Width of Trees - SpringerLink
2019年9月12日 · We provide an \ (O (n \log n)\) algorithm computing the linear maximum induced matching width of a tree and an optimal layout. Long version with extra figures and full proofs is published on arxiv [12].
Linear MIM-Width of Trees | Graph-Theoretic Concepts in …
Motivated by applications in communication networks of the diameter-constrained minimum spanning tree problem, we consider the delay-constrained minimum shortest path tree (DcMSPT) problem. Specifically, given a weighted graph G = (V, E; w, c) and a ...
[2310.15754] Linear MIM-width of the Square of Trees - arXiv.org
2023年10月24日 · To date, the only graph class with unbounded linear MIM-width, whose linear MIM-width can be computed in polynomial time, is the trees. In this follow-up, we show that for any tree T with linear MIM-width k, the linear MIM-width of its square T2 always lies between k and 2k, and that these bounds are tight for all k . 11 pages.
Linear MIM-Width of Trees? Svein H˝gemo, Jan Arne Telle, and Erlend Raa V agset Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway. fsvein.hogemo, jan.arne.telle, [email protected] Abstract. We provide an O(nlogn) algorithm computing the linear maximum induced matching width of a tree and an optimal layout. 1 Introduction
maximum induced matching width of a tree and an optimal layout. Keywords: Width parameters · Exact algorithms · Linear MIM-width · Acyclic graphs 1 Introduction The study of structural graph width parameters like tree-width, clique-width and rank-width has been ongoing for a long time, and their algorithmic use has
[PDF] Linear MIM-Width of Trees - Semantic Scholar
2019年6月19日 · An O(n \log n) algorithm computing the linear maximum induced matching width of a tree and an optimal layout is provided. Expand
Linear MIM-Width of Trees | Request PDF - ResearchGate
2019年9月12日 · Motivated by the successful story on algorithmic applications of intersection graphs using a graph width parameter called mim-width, we introduce its directed analogue called `bi-mim-width' and...
(PDF) Linear MIM-Width of Trees - ResearchGate
2019年7月9日 · We provide an $O(n \log n)$ algorithm computing the linear maximum induced matching width of a tree and an optimal layout. A decision tree corresponding to the case analysis of Proposition 1
“MIM” stands for “maximum induced matching”, and MIM-width measures the biggest induced matching in any of the bipartite graphs induced by the cuts defined by the decomposition.
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