The power of App Inventor: Democratizing possibilities for ... - MIT …
2024年5月10日 · No one wanted to cut teachers off from a tool they were thriving with, so around 2010, Google and Abelson agreed to transfer App Inventor to MIT. The transition meant major staff contributions to recreate App Inventor without Google’s proprietary software but MIT needing to work with Google to continue to provide the network resources to keep ...
Democratizing app development | MIT News | Massachusetts …
2019年1月16日 · The project was later renamed MIT App Inventor when the Institute took on full responsibility for maintaining it under the Media Lab’s Center for Mobile Learning. In 2011, Li began working on MIT App Inventor along with Saigal, and they watched the project turn into one of the largest app-development platforms in the world for nondevelopers ...
Undergraduates with family income below $200,000 can expect
2024年11月20日 · Undergraduate students at MIT with families earning less than $200,000 can expect to attend MIT with free tuition beginning fall 2025, reports Travis Anderson for The Boston Globe. “The $200,000 threshold for free tuition was raised from the current level of $140,000, while the $100,000 threshold is an increase from this year’s ceiling of ...
The MIT roots of Google’s new software
2010年8月19日 · But App Inventor is the latest outgrowth of a tradition of MIT research that dates back at least 40 years. The App Inventor project was led by Hal Abelson, the Class of 1922 Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, who spent a sabbatical year at Google as a visiting professor.
Education Summit is an international push for “AI fluency” - MIT …
2024年8月27日 · The AI + Education Summit was hosted by the MIT RAISE Initiative (Responsible AI for Social Empowerment and Education) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with speakers from the App Inventor Foundation, the Mayor’s Office of the City of Boston, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, and more. Highlights included an onsite “Hack the Climate ...
Unlocking the quantum future | MIT News | Massachusetts …
2024年3月18日 · The 2024 MIT Interdisciplinary Quantum Hackathon, or iQuHACK, brought over 1,200 quantum hackers to work in teams on challenges potentially solvable by the application of quantum computing — from running a quantum-powered dating service, to building an organ donor matching app, to breaking into quantum vaults.
MIT researchers identify security vulnerabilities in voting app
2020年2月13日 · MIT researchers have found that an internet voting app has security flaws that could make it vulnerable to hackers, reports Anthony Izaguire for the AP. “In order to maintain trust in our elections system, we must assure that voting systems meet the high technical and operation security standards before they are put in the field,” explains ...
App Inventor launches second iteration - MIT News
2013年12月30日 · MIT App Inventor 1, launched in March 2012 after incubation at Google, currently has 1.3 million users who have built 3.2 million apps. The volume of users is not surprising, Abelson says, considering the key role that App Inventor has played in computer science education for both teachers and students.
Say hello to Tim the BeaVR - MIT News
The new Tim the BeaVR app lets individuals place MIT's mascot, Tim the Beaver, anywhere in the world using their phone’s camera and web browser. Developed by MIT undergraduate Daniel Portela, the virtual-reality app was unveiled for MIT Community Day by the MIT.nano Immersion Lab.
ScratchJr: Coding for kindergarten - MIT News
2014年7月30日 · “The MIT Media Lab recently released ScratchJr, a free iPad app that helps children 5-8 learn how to code,” writes Jordan Shapiro for Forbes. The ScratchJr language is a redesign of the original Scratch programming to simplify it for use by younger children.