Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Center for Bits and Atoms at MIT explores the boundary between computer science and physical science.
Center for Bits and Atoms - MIT Media Lab
MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms is an interdisciplinary initiative exploring the boundary between computer science and physical science. CBA studies how to turn data into things, and things into data. It manages facilities, runs research programs, supervises students, works with sponsors, creates startups, and does public outreach.
Center for Bits and Atoms - Wikipedia
MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms is an ambitious interdisciplinary initiative that is looking beyond the end of the Digital Revolution to ask how a functional description of a system can be embodied in, and abstracted from, a physical form.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms is an interdisciplinary initiative exploring the boundary between computer science and physical science. CBA studies how to turn data into things, and things into data. It manages facilities, runs research programs, supervises students, works with sponsors, creates startups, and does public outreach. Contact
Center for Bits and Atoms | MIT Course Catalog
MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA) is an interdisciplinary initiative exploring the boundary between computer science and physical science. CBA studies how to turn data into things, and things into data.
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Sign in · GitLab ... CBA
CBA | SERVICES - hq.csail.mit.edu
Extensive training materials prepared by MIT central offices are posted on Canvas at: https://canvas.mit.edu/courses/23732. CBA only pertains to students during times when they hold an active appointment as full or partial research assistant (RA) or teaching assistant (TA). So students on full fellowship support are not covered by CBA.
Neil Gershenfeld's Home Page
MIT Room E15-411 20 Ames Street Cambridge, MA 02139 gersh at cba.mit.edu Biography, CV, classes, books (latest: Designing Reality) Assistant: (617) 253-0392 office at cba.mit.edu
MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA) is an interdisciplinary initiative exploring the boundary between computer science and physical science, ranging from creating one of the first quantum computers to creating a global network of thousands of community fab labs, and teaching the popular course How To Make (almost) Anything.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology ... Papers Theses