Masha Elkin – MIT Department of Chemistry
Research in the Elkin Group applies modern tools to address long-standing challenges in synthetic organic chemistry. We develop new transition metal catalysts that enable efficient bond disconnections and access to value-added compounds.
Masha Elkin to Join the Chemistry Faculty
2023年3月27日 · Dr. Masha Elkin, currently the Ruth Kirchstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, will join the Department of Chemistry as an Assistant Professor as of July 1, 2023. Elkin earned her Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Washington University in St. Louis in 2014, and her PhD from Yale University in 2019.
E.L.K.I.N. 2019 @ MIT – 13th International Symposium on …
Enter your nomination for the best poster awards! Check this site for updates on registration and scientific program, which will include two commemorative sessions: – Fundamentals of Colloid Science: A Tribute to J. Hans Lyklema (1930-2017). – Electrokinetic instabilities: A Celebration of the 70th Birthday of Isaak Rubinstein.
Program – E.L.K.I.N. 2019 @ MIT - Massachusetts Institute of …
For the full conference schedule, please visit https://elkin2019.exordo.com/programme . Download Full Conference Schedule. Vote for Best Poster Award! Conference format: The …
Speakers – E.L.K.I.N. 2019 @ MIT
Check this page for further confirmed speakers and program information.
_Elki on Scratch
Make games, stories and interactive art with Scratch. (scratch.mit.edu)
Elkin, Masha – MIT Department of Chemistry
77 Massachusetts Ave., 18-393 | Cambridge, MA 02139 | 617-253-1803 For Emergencies | Accessibility © 2018 MIT Department of Chemistry
Gabriel Elkin - mmi.mit.edu
Gabriel Elkin is an assistant leader of the Air Traffic Control and Weather Systems Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. In this role, he oversees research in the areas of aviation cyber security, information architectures and weather sensing technologies.
Prof. Masha Elkin | ILP
Research in the Elkin Group applies modern tools to address long-standing challenges in synthetic organic chemistry. We develop new transition metal catalysts that enable efficient bond disconnections and access to value-added compounds.
ELKI Data Mining Framework
ELKI is an open source (AGPLv3) data mining software written in Java. The focus of ELKI is research in algorithms, with an emphasis on unsupervised methods in cluster analysis and outlier detection. In order to achieve high performance and scalability, ELKI offers data index structures such as the R*-tree that can provide major performance gains.