Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) JDAM - Designation-Systems.Net
JDAM add-on kits exist for a variety of bombs, including the 2000 lb MK 84, BLU-109/B and BLU-117/B, the 1000 lb MK 83 and BLU-110/B, and the 500 lb MK 82 and BLU-111/B (for a …
Mk 84通用炸彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mk 84炸彈於越南战争期間首次投入使用,並很快就成為美軍常用的重型非導引炸彈。 Mk 84炸彈的重量在當時是美國庫存中第三重的炸彈,只僅次於重15,000磅(6,800公斤)的 BLU-82「 …
mk84 - 百度百科
2月16日,以色列国防部确认收到美国提供的mk-84重型炸弹。 美国总统唐纳德·特朗普同日宣布,他已解除前任政府暂缓向以色列出口相关武器的政令,因为他信奉“依靠实力确保和平”的理 …
Mk84 General Purpose Bomb w/MX-651 Airfoil Group
2023年4月16日 · The Mk 84 is an American general-purpose bomb, the largest of the Mark 80 series of weapons. Entering service during the Vietnam War, it was nicknamed "Hammer" for …
Joint Direct Attack Munition GBU- 31/32/38 - Air Force
JDAM is a guided air-to-surface weapon that uses either the 2,000-pound BLU-109/MK 84, the 1,000-pound BLU-110/MK 83 or the 500-pound BLU-111/MK 82 warhead as the payload. …
Mark 84 bomb - Wikipedia
The Mark 84 or BLU-117[7] is a 2,000-pound (900 kg) American general purpose aircraft bomb. It is the largest of the Mark 80 series of weapons. Entering service during the Vietnam War, it …
Guidance kits for Mark 80 series air-delivered bombs - Armament ...
2024年11月11日 · The Mark 80 (MK 80) series of general-purpose air-delivered bombs includes the MK 84 2,000-pound-class bomb, MK 83 1,000-pound-class bomb, MK 82 500-pound-class …
mk-84 kmu-556/b gbu-31(v)4/b blu-109 kmu-558/b. secret secret (u) this page intentionally blank. secret secret i table of contents (u) 1.0 weapon description 1.1 introduction 1.1.1 overview …
Boeing GBU-31/B JDAM - AviationsMilitaires.net
La GBU-31(V)1/B JDAM provient du montage du kit JDAM sur un corps de bombe Mk 84 avec une fusée KMU-556/B. Il est utilisé par l'USAF. Le nom GBU-31A(V)1/B (avec un guidage …
Rockwell HOBOS (Homing Bomb System) - Designation-Systems
In 1967 Rockwell received a U.S. Air Force contract to develop an electro-optical guidance kit for the 2000 lb MK 84 bomb. The system, which became known as HOBOS (Homing Bomb …