differences between tcodes fk01,mk01 and xk01 - SAP Community
2008年11月21日 · MK01 can be used for maintaining the vendor details at the purchasing org level & for general data. XK01 can be used for maintaining the vendor details at the company code , purchasing org level and general data. Using XK01 transaction you can create different vendors for each pruchase organization of that company individual.
what is purpose of mk01? - SAP Community
2018年8月14日 · MK01 - used to create vendor master from Purchasing or MM side. While creating the vendor centrally one can edit all the views and while crating from MM side only MM side views are allowed to update or edit.
2014年9月29日 · 答: xk01=mk01+fk01. 一个是采购视频的供应商主数据,一个是基于公司代码的客户主数据。 这个正常吧,采购只需要维护供应商的基础数据,至于跟财务相关的数据当然是由财务部门去维护。 这个跟SD中的客户主数据都一样:XD01/VD01/FD01. 基于不同的应用层所提供 的tcode.. SAP有很多类似的例子, 客户主档, 物料主档,供应商主档,MIGO/MIGO_GR/MIGO_GI/MIGO_GO..... 同理:XK02=MK02+FK02. 文章浏览阅读1.5k次。 …
Difference between XK01 and MK01 (Create vendor) - SAP …
2008年1月30日 · in MK01, it is only purchasing. it will open the vendor code for only purchasing organization and not in company code.here only purchase view is created and not accounting. FK01 is another way to open vendor code only at company code level and not in purchase organization level.
供应商主数据_示例_一般供应商 – 枫竹丹青SAP学习与分享
维护的事物码有多个,通用的是XK01,财务专用的是FK01(只有公司代码视图),后勤专用的是MK01 (只有采购视图)。 1.. 用XK01一次性同时创建基本、会计、采购视图; 2.. 用XK01、FK01、MK01创建基本视图,再用XK01、FK01创建公司代码视图,用XK01、MK01创建采购视图。 按表1输入初始屏幕相关数据后,按回车进入各视图界面,维护操作详见各视图详解。 在维护过程中,注意使用转换各页面的技巧。 示例数据中列出的条目需要维护,未列出的按系统给出 …
什么是SAP供应商主数据_xk01 跟mk01区别-CSDN博客
2013年1月4日 · 本篇谈一下sap采购业务相关的事务码及内控要点。一、sap采购业务事务码:(如下图所示)(1)、涉及供应商主数据的创建xk01、编辑xk02、查询xk03。(2)、涉及采购订单的创建me21n、编辑me22n、查询me23n。
SAP Transaction Code MK01 (Create vendor (Purchasing ... - SAP …
SAP Transaction Code MK01 (Create vendor (Purchasing)) - SAP TCodes - The Best Online SAP Transaction Code Analytics
SAP MK01 TCode Create vendor (Purchasing) (Supplier Master …
One such TCode is MK01, which provides access to Create vendor (Purchasing) / Supplier Master Data SAP screen functionality within R/3 SAP (Or S/4HANA) systems, depending on your version and release level. Below for your convenience is a few details about this tcode including any standard documentation.
SAP 供应商登录 MK01 FK01 XK01 - ITPUB博客
2020年4月14日 · SAP 供应商登录一共可以通过三个TCODE 实现 FK01,MK01,XK01。 FK01 包含 General data +CompanyCode data. MK01 包含 General data + Purchasing organization data . XK01 = FK01 +MK01. FK01 属于FI 范畴,一般由财务人员管理. MK01 属于MM范畴,一般由采购 …
Difference between Tcode FK01 vs XK01 vs MK01 Screens
2023年8月7日 · In SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing), three essential transaction codes - FK01, XK01, and MK01 - play a key role in creating and maintaining master data. This article explores the differences between these codes and their significance in managing vendor and customer data.