Official Mk14 Mod0, Mod1, EBR Photo and Discussion Thread
2016年11月7日 · The Smith Enterprise-based MK14 was then used as a basis to eventually create the Mk 14 Mod 0 with Springfield Armory, Inc. being tasked to supply the necessary machinery needed to create the weapon in cooperation with …
Geissele MK8 vs MK14 > General Discussion > AR15.COM
2018年3月7日 · The MK14 would deffinetly have a better A E S T H E T I C since it's almost going the full length of the barrel and its skinnier, so I'm really seeing if the MK8 has advantages over it. Posted: 3/7/2018 2:49:38 AM EDT
The MK14 review. - AR15.COM
2017年5月19日 · Weight: The mk14 with hardware comes in at 12 1/8 oz or 347g, while the mk8 with hardware comes at an oz heavier with 13 1/8 oz or 372g. With that being said, it feels like the weight of the mk14 is closer to the barrel nut, so it feels noticeably lighter than the mk8. Feel: it is the most ergonomic rail I have held to date.
Do I want the Geissele Mk14 or Mk16 rail? - AR15.COM
2018年11月26日 · Nope not a fanboy. I like Geissele stuff. Was looking at a BCM MCMR or the Mk14 for a build. Figured with the great Geissele sale a Mk14 was the way to go. Then saw the Mk16 and seen guys posting about it and was making sure I wasn't missing something. I just want a nice solid rail. Mk14 should be perfect.
Geissele mk8 vs mk14 > Rifles, Uppers, Lowers, Barrels, and more
2018年2月27日 · All metal handguards will heat up with any amount of sustained fire and I personally never noticed a difference, in that regard, between my Mk4/8 or Mk14. They may have heated up at a slightly slower rate than the BCM handguards I’ve used, but not by much. As for durability, both are more than durable enough. Pick the one that feels the best ...
MK8 or MK14 rail? - AR15.COM
2017年11月22日 · I like the mk14 because of the extreme low profile and more sturdy mounting. The issue with the mk14 anti rotation tabs has been fixed by reverting to the old style set screws. The mk8 is nice due to the mlok slots at the 10 and 2 oclock positions the mk14 now lacks.
Geissele Mk14 vs Zev/SOLGW/Triarc Wedge-Lok - AR15.COM
My 16in LMT upper/mk14 is a tackdriver. Offhand, barricades, cold, after multiple mags.... These rails work. I think sometimes there are misguided expectations of their limits, capabilities, etc. I have a few thousand rounds through my mk14 upper and I haven't babied it. Its fallen over, been knocked into walls and barricades, etc. Its fine.
Thoughts on the Geissele Mk14 rail? - AR15.COM
2024年8月1日 · I use the Mk14 if the goal is to save a little weight and I've never had issues with them flexing or anything. None of those guns are using lasers, however, it does feel plenty stiff, especially in shorter lengths. I also only buy during sales as Mk14 blems go for $150-$160 during sales and around $180-$225 for non-blems durings sales.
Question about using a QD sling on a Geissele MK14 rail?
2019年1月20日 · So, I must have a unicorn. My Mk14 is partially rotation limited. Here is the most counter-clockwise movement, limited by contact from the QD with the top picatinny unfortunately; Here is the most clockwise movement, limited by the Mk14 QD hole; Picture of the QD hole;
Geissele MK14 or Other Rail Suggestions? - AR15.COM
2019年7月10日 · Ive got 2 mk14's while i havnt dropped them they have held up well , one has a G gb gen 1 and the sec a bcm gb . The G gb is very close to the top and bottom of the rail , the bcm gb leaves much more room.