Heckler & Koch HK21 - Wikipedia
The HK21 is a German 7.62 mm general-purpose machine gun, developed in 1961 by small arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch and based on the G3 battle rifle. The weapon is in use with the armed forces of several Asian, African and Latin American countries.
HK21通用机枪 - 枪炮世界
HK21是G3步枪的机枪型号,其自动方式、闭锁方式都和G3步枪相同,而且48%的零件可与G3的互换。 在1961年,当时HK公司正在按照德国国防军的第一批采购合同生产和交付G3步枪,公司高层决定自行研制一种在使用上与G3步枪接近的通用机枪并尝试推销给德国国防军,但德国国防军已经选择了同口径的MG1机枪(后改进为MG3),对HK的新机枪并没有采购意愿。 因此HK21便主打外销,其外国用户包括希腊、葡萄牙、墨西哥、瑞典等多个国家,而三角洲突击队创始人查 …
LGM-118 Peacekeeper - Wikipedia
The LGM-118 Peacekeeper, originally known as the MX for "Missile, Experimental", was a MIRV -capable intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) produced and deployed by the United States from 1986 to 2005.
H&K's Light Machine Guns: Rare but Effective (HK21/23 & HK11)
In this episode of TFBTV, James looks at Heckler & Koch's light machine guns and general purpose machine guns. The story starts with the HK21, a selective fi...
Heckler & Koch’s Modular Machine Gun: the HK21E
2020年10月26日 · Today, the model has been replaced in HK catalogs by the new MG4 and MG5 machine guns, but licensed production of the HK 21 in Portugal and Mexico ensures that the guns will be around for many years to come.
Heckler & Koch HK 21 - Military Factory
2022年2月14日 · The HK 21 was formally categorized a as "general purpose machine gun" (GPMG) - though it is also considered a "light machine gun" (LMG) - and went on to spawn of family of support weapon. The family was based on the hugely successful HK G3 Battle Rifle / Assault Rifle which went on to see widespread use around the world.
Heckler & Koch HK 21 | Weaponsystems.net
The HK 21 is an early Cold War era machine gun of German origin. It was developed to supplement the G3 battle rifle and about half of the parts are interchangeable. The HK 21 was a quite unique machine gun upon introduction. It was …
Heckler & Koch HK series machine guns - Internet Movie Firearms ...
It is capable of semi-automatic (single shots) as well as fully-automatic fire. Its most distinctive characteristics are its finishes, permanently mounted scope, and the lack of iron sights. An unofficial short-barreled version of the HK21, made by FJ Vollmer & Company, Inc. Charging system has been changed.
赫克勒-科赫HK21机枪 - 百度百科
赫克勒-科赫HK21机枪是由 德国 军火生产商赫克勒-科赫公司在1961年以HK G3自动步枪为基础研制和生产的一种通用机枪,发射7.62×51毫米北约口径步枪子弹。 这款武器仍在 亚洲 、 非洲 和 拉丁美洲 多个国家的军队之中使用。 该型枪枪也在德国以外的其他地区(如 葡萄牙 、 墨西哥 等)被特许生产。 [1] 它与步枪极其相似,但枪管更重且可快速更换,同时使用弹链供弹。 可拆除弹链供弹机构,换上弹匣适配器,并使用G3步枪弹匣。 枪机设有一个以弹簧为动力的抗跳动装 …
美国陆基战略核力量演变史(三)小个侏儒 - 哔哩哔哩
为了弥补MX导弹的不足,并且增强打击苏联核弹发射井的能力,美国空军决定研制一种公路机动固体洲际弹道导弹,专门用于打击加固导弹地下发射井、指挥控制中心和第一次战略核打击后敌方残存的战略目标。 1983年4月11日,美国“总统战略力量委员会”成立,将移动式洲际弹道导弹命名为小型洲际弹道导弹(SICBM)计划,正式提出研制新型导弹。 同年5月,美国空军成立MGM-134A弹道导弹“侏儒”计划局,确定主承包商为马丁·玛丽埃塔集团战略系统公司。 1986 …