Mark 36 nuclear bomb - Wikipedia
The Mk 36 was a heavy high-yield nuclear bomb developed by the United States during the 1950s. It was a thermonuclear, using a multi-stage fusion secondary system to generate yields …
Mark 36 nuclear bomb | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Mark 36 was a heavy high-yield United States nuclear bomb designed in the 1950s. It was a thermonuclear bomb, using a multi-stage fusion secondary system to generate yields up to …
MK 36 DST Destructor Mine - Dumb Bombs - GlobalSecurity.org
2017年6月12日 · Destructor Mines are general purpose low-drag bombs converted to mines. They can be deployed by air, either at sea as bottom mines or on land as land mines. With the …
Mills bomb - Wikipedia
"Mills bomb" is the popular name for a series of British hand grenades which were designed by William Mills. They were the first modern fragmentation grenades used by the British Army and …
Mk 36 destructor aircraft bomb - CAT-UXO
This is the American Mk 36 Destructor (DST), a High-Explosive-Fragmentation (HE-Frag), unguided, Low-Drag-General-Purpose (LDGP), aircraft-bomb utilising the American 500lb Mk …
The Mark 36 - Thermonuclear Weapon - YouTube
The Mk 36 was a heavy high-yield nuclear bomb designed in the 1950s. It was a thermonuclear weapon, using a multi-stage fusion secondary system to generate y...
“破坏者”(DST) MK36/40/41沉底水雷 - 中华网军事频道
2019年9月25日 · “破坏者” (DST)MK36/40/41沉底水雷美国MK36/40/41水雷系美国海军在第二次世界大战后在MK80系列低阻炸弹基础上改进的航空沉底水雷。 该系列水雷的外形结构相似,功 …
Mk 36 Destructor series bottom mines - Military Periscope
The Mk 36 Destructor series of U.S. Navy aircraft-laid shallow-water bottom mines began as conversions of Mk 80 series bombs during the Vietnam War. The conversion included the …
Mine Mk 36 “Destructor Mine” – Preserving our History
The Mk 36 shallow-water bottom mine is a modified Mk 82 500-lb bomb.
In Search of a Bigger Boom | Restricted Data
2012年9月12日 · On 1961, it was exploded off the island of Novaya Zemlya, well within the Arctic Circle. It had an explosive equivalent to 50 million tons of TNT (megatons). It was only …