Mark VIII tank - Wikipedia
The Mark VIII tank also known as the Liberty or The International was a British-American tank design of the First World War intended to overcome the limitations of the earlier British designs and be a collaborative effort to equip France, the UK and the US with a single heavy tank design.
Mark VIII Liberty Tank (1918)
The Mark VIII Liberty Tank was an attempt of a joint British/American heavy tank project to be produced in France and used by all three allies. The war ended before, but a few were used in the early interwar by both the US and British Armies for training and evaluation
History of the Mark VIII Liberty Tank - Rock Island Arsenal …
2024年3月27日 · The MARK VIII tank was a compromise between the two Armies, and a cross between a current British design (the MARK V), made larger, and added many American upgrades.
Mark.VIII——美国第一辆HEAVE TANK ! - 哔哩哔哩
第一辆美军量产的重型坦克是在第一次世界大战期间协约国的合作下建造的,正式名称为Mark VIII重型坦克,也被称为“Liberty Tank”、“the International Tank”或“ the Anglo-American Tank”。 该坦克是从1916年首次引入战场的早期英国坦克设计发展而来的,后成为英美合作项目。 上图为英美坦克司令部(Anglo-American Tank Commission)的成员与. 其他政要在Mark VIII pilot抵达美国后的合影. 一些实验型重型坦克,例如霍尔特(Holt)气-电动力坦克或由美国陆军工程兵团 …
Mk VIII tank - WW2 Weapons
The Mark VIII Liberty Tank, also known as the International Tank or Anglo-American Tank, was a heavy tank designed and manufactured during World War I as a joint project between the United States and the United Kingdom.
Tank Mark VIII (International / Liberty) Armored Fighting …
2017年8月3日 · The Mark VIII "International Tank" (also "Liberty" when powered by the American Liberty engine) would become the first tank in history to be produced via an international collaborative effort - this made possible through an agreement between the United States and Great Britain with production to be undertaken in France.
Mark VIII Heavy Tank - Army Tanks
2019年2月18日 · Of all the British World War I tanks, the Mark VIII was the largest and the most powerful. It weighed 9 tons (9,144kg) more than the Mark I heavy tank. The Mark VIII’s engine generated 300 horsepower at 1,250 rpm. This gave it a power to weight ratio that was about two times that of the Mark I.
Heavy Tank Mk. VIII - 50megs
2023年12月6日 · The Mark VIII, also known as the Liberty, International, or Anglo-American tank, was a continuance of the British rhomboid landship line of tanks. The plans were for the Mark VIII to be assembled in France using American automotive …
Tank MArk VIII (Liberty or The International Tank)
Anglo-American project of heavy tank, intended to be the common tank of the allied armies. Designed in 1917, it was the result of experiences matured during the First World War, but the armistice prohibits any operational verification of its qualities.
Light tank Mk VIII - Wikipedia
The light tank Mk VIII (A25), also known as the Harry Hopkins, after American President Roosevelt's chief diplomatic advisor, and A25 from its General staff specification number, was a British light tank produced by Vickers-Armstrong during the Second World War.