Let's Take A Look: Mittlerer Kampfwagen fuer Ausland (MKA)
2015年9月30日 · One of the projects to come out of this was the Mittlerer Kampfwagen fuer Ausland (Medium Tank for Other Countries), or simply MKA. The tank was inspired by early …
Medium tank project for export deliveries MKA (Germany)
2016年5月13日 · Italy, Spain, Japan and other friendly countries showed no interest in the new German-made medium tank. The ability to offer development to other states from a certain …
Tanks in the German Army - Wikipedia
This article deals with the tanks (German: Panzer) serving in the German Army (Deutsches Heer) throughout history, such as the World War I tanks of the Imperial German Army, the interwar …
Mitteltankprojekt für Exportlieferungen MKA (Deutschland)
2016年5月13日 · Das Projekt des Panzers für Exportlieferungen erhielt das Symbol MKA (Mittlerer Kamfpanzer Ausland). Dieser Name wurde in Anlehnung an das bereits in …
The M.K.A, a German medium tank specifically designed by Krupp ... - Reddit
2022年5月3日 · The M.K.A, a German medium tank specifically designed by Krupp 1935-40 to export it to other countries. It was armored with 25mm and armed with a 45mm L/50 gun, one …
MKA - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The Kampfwagen für Ausland mit verstärkter Panzerung, 4.5cm K L/50 und 2 MG also known as mittlerer Kampfwagen für Ausland (abbreviated as m.K.A.), was a German tank project that …
MKA | Wargaming Wiki | Fandom
The MKA is a Tier II German Premium Light Tank. Awarded to anybody that logged in into the Christmas Holiday event 2018-2019. It has a hull shape similar to the Tiger I, as everyone …
堪称最强外贸坦克的克虏伯MKA为何无疾而终? - 17173
2020年7月20日 · m.K.A是正儿八经的克虏伯设计,属于1936年起开发的外贸坦克,除开中型的m.K.A外,还有轻型的l.K.A和重型的s.K.A方案。 为了抢占市场,在技战术指标上要求超过其 …
Krupp M.K.A. (mittlerer Kampfpanzer für Ausland mit 4,5 cm L/50 ...
2018年6月16日 · 404K subscribers in the Warthunder community. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin…
Chinese use of German export MKA tank - Axis History Forum
2020年8月12日 · Unfortunately, the title says that it is fictional and I cannot find further information about Mittlerer Kampfwagen für Ausland (MKA), Leichter Kampfwagen für Ausland (LKA) and …