MKA : Medical Korea Academy
Join our world-renowned faculty and broaden your knowledge. You'll have the opportunity to virtually participate in medical practices utilizing cutting-edge technologies and gain insight into the country's leading healthcare system. Take the next step in advancing your career with us.
Metro Korean Academy is a program that supports foreign students in improving their Korean language ability. We help students from the West and Asia to succeed in their study and to became an international people, active in the world.
2024 MKA(Medical Korea Academy) e-class Application
2024年5月28日 · The MKA (Medical Korea Academy), led by the KHIDI, offers a specialized program designed for medical practitioners from other countries. Its primary objective is to enable participants to enhance their medical knowledge and skills by engaging in diverse training programs provided at hospitals in Korea, while also gaining a deeper understanding ...
2024 The Medical Korea Academy E-class - 외교부
2024年5月21日 · the KHIDI has developed an online medical training program called MKA e-class, in response to the changing dynamics of the new normal era. In 2024, MKA e-class is expanding its horizons, bringing in new topics in dental education, including Prosthodontics, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.
Metro (MKA)
Planning to visit Korea or already here? We're here for you. Unlock your full potential with personalized, one-on-one lessons tailored to your goals. Whether you're looking to master a new skill or refine your expertise, our private lessons offer the focused attention and customized approach you need to succeed.
2024 메디컬코리아 아카데미 온라인연수 (MKA Korea E-class) 안내
2024年5月22日 · 2024 메디컬코리아 아카데미 온라인연수 (MKA Korea E-class) 안내. 보건복지부는 보건의료 분야 글로벌 네트워크 확대를 위해 외국 의료인 및 보건의료 관계자를 대상으로 「한국의료 온라인 연수 프로그램 (Medical Korea E-class)」를 운영하오니, 한국의료 온라인 연수 프로그램에 관심이 있는 외국 의료인 및 보근의료 분야 관계자의 많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다. 1. 연수 개요. 1) 연수기간 : 동일 과정을 총 2회 운영, 모집 기간과 운영 기간을 별도로 …
Medical Korea Academy - LinkedIn
Its primary objective is to enable participants to enhance their medical knowledge and skills by engaging in diverse training programs provided at hospitals in Korea, while also gaining a deeper...
Metro Korean Academy - mka.kr
Metro Korean Academy is a program that supports foreign students in improving their Korean language ability. We help students from the West and Asia to succeed in their study and to became an international people, active in the world.
[홍보] 아프리카미래재단 온라인 의료연수과정 KHIDI Medical Korea …
2023年6月22日 · “The Medical Korea Academy e-class (MKA e-class)” Medical Korea Acadamy Program was launched in 2007 by Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) to educate world leaders in medical expertise. Since, MKA Global has educated 703 medical practitioners from more than 32 countries.
Medical Korea Academy(MKA) Online Class - 외교부
2024年5月20日 · The Medical Korea Academy, led by the KHIDI, offers a specialized program designed for medical practitioners from other countries. Its primary objective is to enable participants to enhance their medical knowledge and skills by engaging in diverse training programs provided at hospitals in Korea, while also gaining a deeper understanding of ...