Vollmer M35 - Wikipedia
The Vollmer M 35 (also known as Vollmer-Maschinenkarabiner or MKb 35) consisted of a series of experimental automatic rifles developed by Heinrich Vollmer in the 1930s. The Vollmer rifles were chambered in an intermediate cartridge that was co-developed with Gustav Genschow and Co. (GECO) starting in 1934, under a Heereswaffenamt contract. [1][2]
Maschinenkarabiner 35 - FirearmCentral Wiki
The Maschinenkarabiner 35 (abbreviated as MKb 35), also known as the Vollmer Modell 35 is a German prototype assault rifle developed in the 1930s for the Heereswaffenamt.
Vollmer M35 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Vollmer M 35 (also known as Vollmer-Maschinenkarabine or MKb 35) was a series of experimental automatic rifles developed by Heinrich Vollmer in the interwar years. They were chambered in an intermediate cartridge that was co-developed with Gustav Genschow and Co. (GECO) starting in 1934, under a Heereswaffenamt contract. [1][2]
Vollmer M35 - Wikiwand
The Vollmer M 35 (also known as Vollmer-Maschinenkarabiner or MKb 35) consisted of a series of experimental automatic rifles developed by Heinrich Vollmer in the 1930s. The Vollmer rifles were chambered in an intermediate cartridge that was co-developed with Gustav Genschow and Co. (GECO) starting in 1934, under a Heereswaffenamt contract.
世界上第一款真正意义上的突击步枪是什么型号? - 知乎
瑞士RWS公司提供了两种子弹,一种是7毫米子弹,一种是8毫米子弹,长度都为46毫米。 德国武器和弹药公共有限公司推出了7×39.1毫米的子弹,Geco公司推出了了7.75×39.5毫米的子弹。 Geco公司的自动步枪是MKb 35,是SG29半自动步枪的进一步发展。
Vollmer MKb 35 - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The Vollmer MKb 35 (German: Vollmer Maschinenkarabiner 35, "Volmer Machine Carbine 35") is a series of of experimental automatic rifles, which was developed by Heinrich Vollmer.
从数据上看Mkb 35/lll更优秀,不仅能发挥冲锋枪中距离作战容错率高的优点,而且还能弥近距离狭路相逢的伤害不能秒杀敌人的缺点。
Vollmer M35 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
However, the M35's actual caliber is apparently 7.9mm with a bullet 8.05mm in diameter. This boat-tailed bullet weighed 9 grams, or 140 grains. Oddly enough, the 7.62x39mm M43 cartridge used by the Soviets in their AK-47 bore more similarity to the Vollmer's cartridge than the German Kurz cartridge did.
Mkb 35-III - 从军WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
阅读: 更新日期: 2022-06-27 最新编辑:爱玩的小神
德国-Mkb35-III - 从军WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
阅读: 更新日期: 2023-08-04 最新编辑:爱玩的小神