Vickers 6-ton - Wikipedia
The Vickers 6-ton tank or Vickers Mark E, also known as the "Six-tonner", was a British light tank designed in 1928 in a private project at Vickers. Though not adopted by the British Army, it was picked up by several other armed forces, and licensed by the Soviet Union as the T-26. It was also the direct predecessor of the Polish 7TP tank.
维克斯6吨坦克 - 百度百科
维克斯六吨坦克、或称维克斯MK.E,是英国维克斯公司所设计的 轻型坦克。 此款坦克虽然没有被 英国陆军 大量采用,但是其创新且优秀的设计却被其他国家所欣赏购买并修改自制,虽然产量仅有153辆,但如果纳入他国 授权生产 的数量,其家族 生产量 高达12000台以上,成为 二战 前除了雷诺FT-17以外全世界最普遍的坦克。 MK.E的原型车于1928年在阿姆斯壮-维克斯公司工厂完成,由 John Valentine Carden以及Vyvian Loyd为首的设计小组所领导,设计出一款在火力以及机动力 …
二战前绝大多数轻型坦克的祖先,英国维克斯6吨坦克 - 知乎
维克斯6吨坦克的车体由铆接钢板制成,前部和大部分炮塔上方厚 1 英寸,后部厚约3 ⁄ 4英寸,拥有大概85马力左右的Armstrong Siddeley发动,最高时速大于35公里每小时。 车组3人,重达7.3吨,长4.88米,宽2.41米,高2.16米。 特殊设计悬挂: 维克斯6吨的悬挂使用两个两组轴,两个轴之间通过两个板簧链接,当一组向上运动时候,迫使另外一组向相反的方向移动,这在当时被认为是一种新颖的设计。 虽然依然无法和后来美国设计的Christie悬挂相媲美,但在当时已经是超越 …
Vickers Mark E Type B in Chinese Service - Tank Encyclopedia
2017年4月29日 · With its low velocity 47 mm (1.85 in) gun, the Vickers Mark E Type B was China’s most potent tank until they were all destroyed in 1937. Standard Vickers Mark E Type B in Chinese Nationalist service. Date and location unknown – likely before 1937.
Vickers 6-Ton (Mark E) 1929 - tank-afv.com
The Vickers 6-ton, also called officially Mark E, was integrated into the British tank nomenclature, hoping that some official order will come, but also designed to be simple, reliable and versatile in its design, especially for the export market.
Vickers 6-Ton (Mark E) Light Tank - Military Factory
2020年11月11日 · The Vickers 6-Ton (Mark E) was a light tank evaluated by the British Army but ultimately rejected. When the British Army passed on the system, the tank was marketed (with success) to operators around the globe.
ヴィッカース 6トン戦車 - Wikipedia
ヴィッカース 6トン戦車 (Vickers 6-ton tank, Six-tonner)は 戦間期 に イギリス の ヴィッカース・アームストロング 社が開発した 軽戦車 で、 ヴィッカース Mark E (Mk. E)の名でも知られる。 イギリス陸軍には採用されず、海外輸出用として生産され、多くの国で戦車部隊の基礎となっただけでなく、いくつかの国では独自の発展型も生み出された。 第二次世界大戦 においても、なお数カ国では現役であった。 1927年 、 カーデン=ロイド・トラクター社 は、歩兵 …
The Vickers 6-Ton (Mark E) Tank - derela.pl
Development, variants and description of the British Vickers Mark E (6-ton) tank - one of widest-used tanks before World War II
6-Ton Light Tank | World War II Database - WW2DB
ww2dbase The Vickers 6-Ton light tanks, also known as Vickers Mark E, were designed by John Valentine Carden and Vivian Loyd in 1928 as a private project internal to Vickers. There were two variants, with Type A vehicles each having two machine gun turrets as the main armament, and Type B with a single turret with a short-barreled 47-millimeter ...
Vickers 6-Ton | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Vickers 6-Ton Tank or Vickers Mark E was a British light tank designed as a private project at Vickers. It was not purchased by the British Army, but was picked up by a large number of foreign armed forces and was copied almost exactly by the Soviets as the T-26.