Part 1: Error analysis and hyperparameter optimization of machine ...
Compute the training-set and test-set errors of an MLFF model for given reference data. Error estimation of an MLFF model gives insights into the accuracy of the trained model and how the model generalizes to out-of-training-set structures.
mlff/mlff_model.md at main · gengxingze/mlff · GitHub
为了让每个力场模型都可以通过同一种方式调用,所以写模式时需要注意一些规则。 以下是我使用的方式,我将做以介绍! 因为水平有限,可能存在一些未注意到的事项,希望大家可以不吝 …
效率提四倍 扩展分子精确机器学习力场原子间描述符 - 知乎
该研究以「Efficient interatomic descriptors for accurate machine learning force fields of extended molecules」为题,于 2023 年 6 月 15 日发布在《Nature Communications》。 可靠的原子力场对于研究(生物)化学系统的动力学、热力学和动力学至关重要。 机器学习力场 (MLFF) 最近成为构建能量和力的原子表示的一种选择方法。 与传统的计算化学方法相反,MLFF 使用参考计算的数据集来估计函数形式,这些函数形式可以恢复分子构型与其相应的能量或力之间的复杂映射。
2.5天完成1年的MD计算?DeepMind团队基于欧几里得Transformer …
2024年8月9日 · 该研究以「A Euclidean transformer for fast and stable machine learned force fields」为题,于 2024 年 8 月 6 日发布在《Nature Communications》。 分子动力学(MD)模拟通过长时间尺度的模拟,可以揭示系统从微观相互作用到宏观性质的演变,其预测精度取决于驱动模拟的原子间力的精确度。 传统上,这些力来源于近似的力场(FF)或计算复杂的从头计算电子结构方法。 近年来,机器学习(ML)势能模型通过利用分子系统的统计依赖性,提供了更灵 …
MLFF机器学习平台 - 龙讯旷腾
机器学习力场借助已有的第一性原理计算结果,拟合单个原子的能量,可在不进行第一性原理计算的情况下获得体系能量。 对于平衡态附近的体系,机器学习力场有望大幅加速分子动力学计算,提高在有限计算资源内可模拟的体系的大小以及模拟的时长。 机器学习力场借助已有的第一性原理计算结果,拟合单个原子的能量,可在不进行第一性原理计算的情况下获得体系能量。 对于平衡态附近的体系,机器学习力场有望大幅加速分子动力学计算,提高在有限计算资源内可模拟的体系 …
<br>机器学习力场的应用和进展,Journal of Chemical Information …
In this review, we introduce the fundamental principles of ML and FFs in the context of machine learning force fields (MLFF). We also discuss the advantages and applications of MLFF compared to traditional FFs, as well as the MLFF toolkits widely employed in numerous applications.
Machine-learned force fields - VASP Wiki
Machine-learned force fields used in combination with ab-initio molecular dynamics (MD) allow capturing the underlying physics from first principles and still reach long simulation times relatively cheaply. This tutorial will explain error analysis and hyperparameter optimization of machine-learned force fields (MLFF).
Liquid Si - MLFF - VASP Wiki
Generating a machine learning force field for liquid Si. For this tutorial, we expect that the user is already familiar with running conventional ab initio molecular dynamic calculations. In this example we start from a 64 atom super cell of diamond-fcc Si (the same as in Liquid Si - Standard MD): 5.43090000000000.
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Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) is an innovative toll road solution that utilizes Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology. This allows toll transactions to be faster and more accurate as they are directly read by satellites.
MLFF Rocks! - My Community
2023年8月11日 · With MLFF is it possible to perform MD simulations that capture mechanisms and processes for time scales of up to 100ps and even ns for compounds with up to 8 (eight!) elements with the accuracy of DFT methods!