MLGW Board unanimously rejects 20-year contract with TVA - mlgw…
2022年12月7日 · Wednesday morning, Memphis Light, Gas and Water’s Board of Commissioners rejected a 20-year, rolling contract with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). Board Chairman Mitch Graves stated the contract was “too long of an agreement.”
MLGW/TVA will use drones for infrastructure inspections - mlgw…
2025年1月3日 · Memphis Light, Gas and Water is working with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to complete inspections of utility poles, and utility pole equipment in the Orange Mound neighborhood. Inspections are set to begin Monday, January …
MLGW votes against signing 20-year-deal with Tennessee Valley …
2022年12月7日 · MLGW is TVA's largest electricity customer. Passage of the 20-year deal, which still required Memphis City Council approval, would’ve meant it was keeping 10% of its revenue on a generational...
MLGW Stays With TVA, Ends RFP Process
The MLGW Board of Commissioners voted today to conclude their nearly four-year evaluation of long-term energy supplier options and continue their relationship with TVA. This process began with a broad stakeholder Power Supply Advisory Team, followed by an Integrated Resource Plan, which led to the current Request for Proposal phase.
MLGW rejects 20-year contract with TVA | localmemphis.com
2022年12月7日 · Memphis Light, Gas, and Water will remain on a five-year rolling contract with the TVA; move pleased opponents of the deal who spoke at meeting. MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Wednesday morning, Memphis...
MLGW recommends award of a 20-year contract to TVA - mlgw…
2022年9月1日 · MLGW’s Power Supply Evaluation Team, led by GDS & Associates, determined that TVA’s Long-Term Partnership Proposal “demonstrates the greatest value and least risk” for MLGW customers compared to all other RFP alternatives. MLGW is expected to see $152 million in power supply cost savings over the next five years and $944 million over 25 years.
MLGW, TVA incentive help Memphis businesses upgrade lighting ...
2024年11月18日 · Small business may be eligible to receive an incentive to cover up to 70% of cost to upgrade to energy-efficient LED lighting, through the TVA EnergyRight Small Business Lighting Replacement...
MLGW Stays With TVA, Ends RFP Process
2022年12月9日 · The MLGW Board of Commissioners voted on Dec. 7 to conclude their nearly four-year evaluation of long-term energy supplier options and continue their relationship with TVA. This process began with a broad stakeholder Power Supply Advisory Team, followed by an Integrated Resource Plan, which led to the current Request for Proposal phase.
TVA grant and matching MLGW funds provide $245,000 to assist …
TVA is providing a $245,000 grant through its Community Care Fund to assist Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division customers who have delayed bills. “Our mission is to serve the Tennessee Valley and make life better for our communities,” said …
MLGW rejects 20-year TVA contract - Action News 5
2022年12月8日 · MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - Memphis Light, Gas and Water (MLGW) board members have rejected a 20-year rolling contract with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). On Sept. 1, after months of public and advisory council meetings, work with consultants, and internal debate, MLGW’s senior leadership recommended keeping the TVA as the utility’s power ...