M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System - Wikipedia
The M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (M270 MLRS) is an American armored self-propelled multiple launch rocket system. The U.S. Army variant of the M270 is based on the chassis of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. The first M270s were delivered in 1983, and were adopted by several NATO and non-NATO militaries.
Multiple Launch Rocket System (M270) - Lockheed Martin
2021年4月26日 · The MLRS is a highly mobile automatic system that fires surface-to-surface rockets from the M270 family of launcher weapons platforms. The MLRS Family of Munitions (MLRS MFOM) can be fired in less than one minute by the three-man crew.
The original MLRS launcher, first fielded by the U.S. Army, was designated MLRS M270A0. More than 1,000 of the launchers were produced for the U.S. military, MLRS partner nations and other allies. Lockheed Martin completed an upgrade of many M270 launchers to M270A1 variants in 2005 allowing for significantly faster launch procedures and firing of
M270多管火箭系統 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M270多管火箭系統(英語: M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System ,常縮寫為M270 MLRS)是一個設有裝甲的自走多管火箭武器系統。 自1983年 美軍 首度使用M270火箭砲之後, 北約 多個成員國相繼開始採用M270,而逐漸成為北約的制式武器。
M270多管火箭炮系统 - 百度百科
很久以来,美国的m270多管火箭炮系统(mlrs)既能发射火箭弹,又能发射军战术 地对地导弹 (atacms)的性能就一直被奉为模块化和 多任务 能力的典范。而如今sy400和bp-12a两兄弟时隔2年的先后面世,并以共架的面貌出轮式机动地盘上,似乎也宣告着中国版himars系统的的 ...
美国火箭炮系统浅析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
M270多管火箭系统(M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System,常缩写为M270 MLRS)是一个设有装甲的自走多管火箭炮武器系统。 自1983年美军首度使用M270火箭炮之后,北约多个成员国相继开始采用M270,而逐渐成为北约的制式武器。
M270 MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System), US - Army Technology
2023年3月15日 · The combat-proven M270 multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) is a highly mobile rocket artillery system manufactured in the US by Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin. The MLRS is operational with the armed forces of Bahrain, Finland, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Japan, South ...
M270A1 MLRS - Army Recognition
2024年7月24日 · The M270A1 MLRS is a combat-proven, mechanized artillery weapon system that provides the combat commander with highly lethal, all-weather, precise rocket and missile fires that defeat point and area targets in both urban/complex and open terrain.
the M270A1, but modified to meet unique British requirements, the M270B1 is a highly mobile, armored, automated system that fires surface-to-surface rockets and missiles. In fact, the M270B1 enhanced armor package, protected its crew from a direct IED attack during operations in Iraq.
2019年8月22日 · The M270A1 MLRS is a tracked, indirect fire, field artillery system capable of firing all rockets and missiles in the MLRS Family of Munitions. The M270A1 IAC upgrades the crew protection of the currently-fielded M270A1 MLRS.
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