MLV-6型振动速度传感器 - houriss.com
大量装载乙烯基-肯顾新材料 - Kingkus
Mass Loaded Vinyl,通常称为 MLV,是一种重型 PVC 乙烯基片材,用于阻止声音传播。 Kingkus MLV 的重量是在 PVC 乙烯基片材中注入碳酸钙的产物,这使 MLV 具有密度,同时保持灵活性。
VISOLUX/倍加福 光电开关MLV 40-54-1371 - yoydq.com
是一种无需与运动部件进行机械直接接触而可以操作的位置开关,当物体接近开关的感应面到动作距离时,不需要机械接触及施加任何压力即可使开关动作,从而驱动直流电器或给计算机(plc)装置提供控制指令。 接近开关是种开关型传感器(即无触点开关),它既有行程开关、微动开关的特性,同时具有传感性能,且动作可靠,性能稳定,频率响应快,应用寿命长,抗干扰能力强等、并具有防水、防震、耐腐蚀等特点。 产品有电感式、电容式、霍尔式、交、直流型。 又称无触 …
Male Luer Valve (MLV) with Barb - halkeyroberts.com
Halkey-Roberts, A Nordson MEDICAL Company, new Robertsite® Male Luer Valve (MLV) is ideal for flushing and drainage applications, IV solutions and home healthcare. The MLV with barb is designed to attach directly to tubing during their production. The valve can be used to access a mating female luer connector or luer activated valve.
2024年12月17日 · TDK株式会社(东京证券交易所代码:6762)宣布推出五款新型 SMD 多层压敏电阻 (MLV)。 作为行业创新产品,这些元件具有减少碳足迹 (CO2) 的特点,同时满足严格的汽车认证要求。 这些部件是 TDK 新型 X 系列的首批代表,该系列正在不断扩展到汽车、工业和消费应用。 X 系列既满足了对环保产品日益增长的需求,也满足了对具有成本吸引力的产品的商业要求,同时保持了 TDK 的高可靠性和性能。 首次推出的五种型号都获得汽车应用认证 (AEC …
Soundproofing Foam Acoustic Panels Fireproof 1mm 2mm 3mm …
Multi-Layered Protection: The product offers 1mm, 2mm, and 3mm thickness options, ensuring optimal sound absorption and protection against fire hazards, making it an ideal choice for users seeking a reliable soundproofing solution.
Nankarrow IsoBrane™ MLV 2100kg/m3 Mass Loaded Vinyl
IsoBrane ™ is India’s bestselling soundproofing membrane, which acts as a limp mass to increase the transmission loss of walls, ceilings, and floors and especially in light/drywall/siporex/door construction. Sheet Size: 2m x 1m (21.52 square feet). Sold per sheet. Vibration reduction: an ideal solution to solving vibration problems.
Vinil carregado em massa MLV de 1 mm / 2 mm / 3 mm
Quando se trata da introdução do vinil empilhado em massa (MLV) para isolamento acústico, o ciclo específico pode variar dependendo da aplicação específica.Não obstante, existe uma diretriz geral que se aplica de maneira geral: garantir 100% de inclusão e vedar todos os vincos e furos.O som atua ao longo dessas linhas para a água e ...
碧云天生物技术-BeyoRT III M-MLV反转录酶(D7176M) - Beyotime
碧云天生产的BeyoRT™ III M-MLV反转录酶,即BeyoRT™ III M-MLV reverse transcriptase,是一种经过改造和优化的快速高效(短至10min完成反转录)、热稳定(高达55℃)、高精确度、产物超长(长达12kb)的反转录酶,具有正常的依赖于RNA或DNA模板
Soundproof Material Ktv Fireproof Mlv Insulation High Density 1mm…
Soundproof Material Ktv Fireproof Mlv Insulation High Density 1mm/2mm/3mm Thickness Stocking Mass Loaded Vinyl Mlv , Find Complete Details about Soundproof Material Ktv Fireproof Mlv Insulation High Density 1mm/2mm/3mm Thickness Stocking Mass Loaded Vinyl Mlv,Flame Retardant Soundproofing Materials Mass Loaded Vinyl Sound Barrier,High Quality Self Adhesive Wall Noise Deadening Sheet Mass ...