Download ALV Form (Application for Licensing of Motor Vehicle)
To renew your motor vehicle license, if you do not have a renewal notice (MLV2) form, you need to complete an ALV form. Click here to download the form.
Road Traffic related forms - NaTIS
Application and notice i.r.o motor trade number and blank temporary permits (Form MTN1)
furnished by me in this form are true and correct; and (b) realise that a false declaration is punishable with a fine or imprisonment or both. (a) verklaar dat alle besonderhede wat deur my op hierdie vorm verstrek is, waar en korrek is; en (b) besef dat 'n vals verklaring strafbaar is met 'n boete of gevangenisstraf of beide.
furnished by me in this form are true and correct; and (b) realise that a false declaration is punishable with a fine or imprisonment or both. (a) verklaar dat alle besonderhede wat deur my op hierdie vorm verstrek is, waar en korrek is; en (b) besef dat 'nPl vals verklaring strafbaar is met 'n boete of gevangenisstraf of beide.
License Renewals | Renewing A Vehicle Licence
In order to renew your vehicles licence disc you will need to take the following to your nearest licencing department or post office: Motor vehicle licence renewal notice (MVL2). If you do not have the renewal notice, or did not recieve it in the post, complete form ALV1 (Application for Licensing of Motor Vehicle) which is downloadable below.
Application Forms (PDF) | Download | Vehicle Licences
Here is a list of forms you may need when registering or de-registering a motor vehicle. These forms include applications for initial registration, vehicle de-registration, personalized license numbers, learner's licenses, and more. We look forward to providing you with excellent service!
Download Forms - Vehicle License Solutions
Application in respect of personal licence number for motor vehicles (Form MVR2)
Major League Volleyball
Welcome to Major League Volleyball (MLV), America’s premier professional women’s volleyball league. MLV is the bold next chapter for one of the most celebrated women’s sports globally, designed to empower athletes, captivate fans, and attract stakeholders with a unified and professional vision. Stay tuned!
Car Licence Renewal | Renew your vehicle licence
Everything you kneed to know about how and where to renew your vehicle licence. We list of every post office that will processes car licence renewals. Download the MVL1 form to renew your car licence. Renewing your vehicle licence with ChatBack licence renewal service
Motor Vehicle Licence - Mauritius
For securing a motor vehicle licence, you have to produce the following documents: • The registration book of the vehicle. • A valid insurance certificate. • A test certificate (fitness) if the vehicle is a private car or motorcycle above 7 years. • A certificate of fitness if the vehicle is a public service vehicle or a goods vehicle.