The Malt Maniacs Awards
Since 1997, the Malt Maniacs (an international collective of malt whisky enthusiasts) have been enjoying and discussing the pleasures of (single malt) whisky with like-minded whisky lovers from all over the world. Since 2003, we have organised (non-stop) our very own annual ‘amateur’ whisky competition.
MMA fighter Conor McGregor releases 'proper' Irish whiskey
2018年9月18日 · MMA champion Conor McGregor has finally broken into the spirits game. The mixed martial artist announced the release of his new Proper No. Twelve Irish Whiskey – an alcohol that, according to...
[威士忌知識] 威士忌競賽&評分大解析(WWA、ISC …
2023年11月3日 · WWA是由英國的威士忌雜誌Whisky Magazine從2007開始舉辦的比賽,已經成為威士忌世界的年度盛事,酒友們每年無不引頸期盼~(最主要是看到底誰得獎了要趕快去囤貨,不然很快就會缺貨接著價格節節攀升。
MMA麥芽狂人2020出爐,獎項分類大變動惹議? | 一飲樂酒誌
2020年9月16日 · 最佳雪莉 Best Sherried Whisky; 最佳泥煤 Best Peated Whisky; 最佳原桶 Best Natural Cask; 獎項方式的更改也讓許多一直關注MMA的威士忌愛好者有點感慨,過往完全以狂人盲飲分數為基準來決定獎項的MMA,現在竟也開始分出產區,似乎也開始往「通通有獎」靠攏…
MMA歷年得獎威士忌(Malt Maniacs Award) - whisky.com.tw
Malt Maniacs 麥芽狂人俱樂部,是由散落世界各地的32名 (統計至2012年)威士忌狂人聚集在一起組成,包括目前最著名的威士忌作家兼品評專家Charles MacLean,及甫來台的加拿大威士忌雜誌創辦人Davin de Kergommeaux,而台灣最權威的威士忌專家姚和成Kingfisher先生 (蘇格蘭雙耳小酒杯執持者、台灣單一麥芽威士忌品飲研究社創辦理事長、已故大師麥可傑克森著作--威士忌全書及麥芽威士忌品飲事典譯者),則是麥芽狂人俱樂部亞洲區唯一的認證會員。
麥芽狂人MMA 2017獎項出爐!台灣又登頂啦~~ | 一飲樂酒誌
2018年3月8日 · 這次的麥芽狂人MMA(Malt Maniacs Award)2017獎項終於公布了,比往常在年底公布晚了將近三個月。 自2003開始MMA就是威士忌界頗受注目的獎項,由世界各國30多名業餘威士忌狂人(瘋狂的愛好者)中數人來擔任評審公正公開的盲飲評分。
MMA Champion Conor McGregor Throws Himself Into Irish Whiskey …
2018年9月19日 · MMA fighting legend Conor McGregor now has a whiskey label to add to his collection of titles, debuting the new Proper No. Twelve Irish Whiskey. The world of Irish whiskey is starting to become crowded somewhat, there is no doubt.
From MMA Champ to Whiskey Entrepreneur: a Conversation …
2018年11月13日 · Read on to learn just how fun the development process was, how his MMA training translates to the liquor business, and which opponents he'd never, ever want to share a bottle with. We loved the...
Proper No. Twelve Irish Whiskey | Home
Discover Proper No. Twelve, a premium Irish whiskey. Enjoy a sophisticated blend of single malt and golden grain for a smooth, complex flavour.
scorecards, then Best Sherried Whisky, Best Peated Whisky, Best Natural Cask and a Thumbs Up award for an entry which we believe deserves a special mention. Now, without further ado welcome to the Award-winning entries of MMA 2013: Ultra-Premium category Supreme Winner Karuizawa 1973-2013, No.1 Drinks, cask No.1607, 67.7%