MMCX和0.78各有何优缺点? - 知乎
常见的接口类型有:2-pin(0.75、0.78mm)、mmcx和a2dc,目前最主流的接口是mmcx。 它是一种同轴射频连接器,于1990年代研发,采用插入卡紧的连接方式,可以360度旋转,通常其特 …
MMCX vs 2-Pin : r/inearfidelity - Reddit
2023年7月6日 · MMCX is more robust and less prone to damage while connected compared to 2-pin, however damaging the MMCX connectors themselves tend to be a common issue since …
MMCX vs 2 Pin Cables for IEM | IEM 101 - HiFiGo
2020年5月14日 · Latest IEMs feature detachable cables with two different types of connectors, MMCX and 2-Pin. The MMCX connectors provide a more strong connection, the cable snaps …
4 Types of IEM Connectors and How They Differ - MUO
2023年10月2日 · Another common type of IEM connector is the MMCX (Micro-Miniature Coaxial); you may have seen them on IEMs by Shure or Audio Technica. Instead of pins, these …
The Different Types of IEM Connectors - Head-Fi.org
2020年3月11日 · Some MMCX outlets are recessed in the IEM, so one needs to make sure the diameter of the plug on the cable is small enough to fit. Otherwise, purchase the …
MMCX VS 2 PIN Which is better and why?? - Head-Fi.org
2013年7月1日 · MMCX seems to be more popular of the two, but a little more prone to failure and wear due to the way the cable can rotate freely inside the socket and the way it 'snaps' in and …
MMCX接口 - 百度百科
mmcx接口于1990年代研发,采用插入卡紧的连接方式,可以360度旋转。 通常其特性阻抗为50欧姆。 MMCX接口常见于个人电脑的无线PC卡上的天线接口,和一些PDA和GPS导航设备 …
MMCX Pin Layout | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2019年2月27日 · I'm currently making my own headphones and am thinking of using MMCX connectors for removable cables; however, every MMCX female connector I can find has three …
MMCX vs 0.78mm 2-pin? : r/headphones - Reddit
2022年1月6日 · I prefer 2-pin to MMCX personally. The majority of my IEMs are 0.75mm or 0.78mm, and I can find a lot of third party cables to pair with them. I believe there's a larger …
2 Pin V.S MMCX Connector - basnaudio.com
2023年11月28日 · The choice between a 2-pin connector and an MMCX connector for in-ear monitors (IEMs) often comes down to individual preferences, durability, ease of use, and …