Marston MMD.K300 Universal jointing compound 330g cartridge
Permanent plastic, very adhesive sealing compound on the basis of polyurethan. Due to excellent thermal, mechanical and chemical resistance. MARSTON SEALANT is specially suitable for highly stressed sealing joints.
Marston universal sealant - permanently plastic universal sealant
Our permanently plastic universal sealant MARSTON has proved itself in all industrial areas and is used worldwide by leading industrial concerns. Sealed with MARSTON means 100% sealed. Permanently plastic, economic in use, resistant to oils, greases, fuels, water, gas, air, …
MARSTON free - Universal sealing | Marston Domsel GmbH
Marston Universal seal non hazardous! MARSTON Universal sealing is inter alia resistant to all mineral oils and a variety of synthetic oils to lubricants, fuels, additives, air, gases, water and water-antifreeze mixtures. Permanently plastic, very adhesive sealant.
Marston MMD.K300/ MARSTON非固化密封胶MMD.K300-阿里巴巴
Marston MMD K300 万向接缝剂 330g 套筒-茂信泰能源科技(大 …
材料组合: 1.金属-Metal 2.金属塑料 3. 塑料-塑料 特性: 永久可塑性 对粘合表面具有出色的附着力 耐多种介质 立即可用 拆装方便 无腐蚀 Marston MMD K300 万向接缝剂 330g 套筒外观:红色 密度:1.10 g/cm3 固体含量:60.0 - 70.0 % 聚氨酯
MARST0N-MMD-K300-300ML UNIVERSAL SEALANT RED available at BoeingDistribution.com. Click here to Buy Now!
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MARSTON MMD.K300长效弹性连接剂 - 盖德化工网
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Marston MMD.K300 Universal jointing compound 330g cartridge
Marston MMD.K300 là hợp chất chống kẹt, chống rỉ sét hiệu suất cao dùng để bôi trơn và lắp ráp các điểm lắp ống và đường ống.
Marston Univ.-Dichtung Kartusche 330g - Amazon.de
MD-Universal-Dichtung Lösungsmittelfrei Enthält keine Isocyanate! Kein Gefahrgut! Ohne gefährliche Substanzen Dauerplastisch Sehr gute Haftung auf der Dichtfläche Schnell einsatzbereit Beständig gegen viele Medien Leichte Demontage Bleibt plastisch, keine Rissbildung Keine Ablüftzeit erforderlich Für anspruchsvolle und kritische DichtverbindungenMarston Univ.-Dichtung Kartusche 330g ...